Sanford: I "crossed lines" with other women too. Also, Maria's my soulmate

I’m confused. Is he … trying to destroy his wife and kids? Or is this just some sort of slow-motion nervous breakdown?

His aides seriously need to start steering this guy away from microphones before he ends up telling us which positions he and Maria tried.


South Carolina Gov. Mark Sanford said Tuesday that he “crossed lines” with a handful of women other than his mistress – but never had sex with them.

The governor said he “never crossed the ultimate line” with anyone but Maria Belen Chapur, the Argentine at the center of a scandal that has derailed his once-promising political career.

“This was a whole lot more than a simple affair, this was a love story,” Sanford said. “A forbidden one, a tragic one, but a love story at the end of the day.”

During an emotional interview at his Statehouse office with The Associated Press on Tuesday, Sanford said Chapur is his soul mate but he’s trying to fall back in love with his wife.

He told the AP that the shenanigans with other women came during trips outside the country with male friends to, and I quote, “blow off steam.” Whether that means trips to a strip club or something more, only Sanford knows. But just wait a day or two. I’m sure we’ll find out.


As of last night, nearly 50 percent of South Carolinians thought he should stay on. Can’t wait to see what happens to that number tomorrow. Exit question: Show of hands, ladies. How many of you would be willing to take back a guy who told you, “I’ve met this other woman and she’s totally my soulmate, but I’m going to try real hard to fall back in love with you”?

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