Video: Time for another "Danny DeVito drunk on morning television" clip

Via Breitbart, not so much a palate cleanser as another heaping helping of liberal sexism per this week’s Letterman clusterfark. I think I’ve been drunk in the morning twice in my life, both times during college. This guy’s done it on live TV twice in the past three years; you’ll remember the first time, in which he babbled about limoncellos and called Bush a “numbnuts,” as probably the most bizarrely entertaining 10 minutes in the long history of “The View.” Actually, I’m not even sure he’s drunk here. I’m giving him the benefit of the doubt simply because I can’t quite believe he’d be this boorish sober. Presumably the reporter’s afraid to alienate a celebrity who might blackball her with other celebs or walk away from an interview she’d been assigned to do, but she’d have been well within her rights to slap him or pull the plug after his “easy access” crack. And would have gotten a hell of a lot more buzz online for doing so.


As for Double D, no doubt he’ll get his when Rhea sees this clip.

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