I started out a skeptic and now … I’m not sure. She’s articulate, an “entrepreneur,” cares about the children, is eager to listen to voters’ concerns — and opposes the federal income tax. Dude:
Daniels, 30, insists she’s serious. She’s spending her own money on a “listening tour” to hear what people have to say as she considers a possible run, and said she isn’t just starting a publicity stunt to promote her work or embarrass Vitter. However, she said she hasn’t lived in Louisiana for seven years — she currently resides in Florida — and would need to re-establish residency to run…
Daniels backs some issues common to many candidates, including bringing troops home sooner from Iraq and replacing the federal income tax with a national sales tax. Others are closer to her professional background, including pushing to remove child pornography from the Internet and keeping minors from viewing adult material…
“You look familiar. Not your face, though,” said Jody Mathern, 51, a New Orleans man who said he works in the oil industry, drawing laughs from Daniels and a table full of oil patch workers.
Men have always been more likely to vote Republican than women; all she needs to do is peel away her fan base from Vitter and she’s got a fighting chance! Louisiana likes freak-show candidates, too. And who better to draw a libertarian protest vote than a porn star? She’ll start with 10 percent of the vote, easy. Obligatory hacky slogan proposal: “Stormy in 2010: If Washington’s going to screw us, they ought to at least know how.”
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