“This is no ordinary time in the history of our democracy, and none of us can afford to behave like ordinary people. Every patriot must wish for the new president to succeed. These wintry days are gloomy indeed, but the dawn of the Barack Obama era brings with it the light of hope. Not false optimism, but rather the assurance that though we must walk through a dark valley for a time, if we keep our eyes on the mountaintop, we can make it through, together.”
“Some of this patriotism may be of the sunshine variety — in for a day or a season, when the costs are not great. Or more cynically: in to show that their hatred for America is really just another form of political ‘dissent.’ Yet whatever the nature of these changes they cannot for now be discounted. Consider: When President Obama commits this nation to war against the Islamic terrorists, as he already has in Afghanistan, he will take millions of previously alienated and disaffected Americans with him, and they will support our troops in a way that most of his party has refused to support them until now. When another liberal, Bill Clinton went to war from the air, there was no anti-war movement in the streets or in his party’s ranks to oppose him. That is an encouraging fact for us in the dangerous world we confront.”
“DON’T question the motives – question the policy. When you disagree with Obama’s policies, say so, and make it clear why. But remember that President Obama is doing what he thinks is best for the country, as President Bush did. Both men love America and want what’s best for her. End of story.”
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