Horrendous: Dean Barnett passes away

One of the smartest and sweetest people I’ve ever met, online or otherwise. Gone at 41. I’m speechless.

Update: Here’s Barnett writing in 2006 about cystic fibrosis.


At one point during my interview, the questioner asked me if I expected to see a cure to CF in my lifetime. I answered no, but that it doesn’t really matter. When you see death up close, a couple of things become clear. One is that we all die, and that death is just part of the deal. The other is that life is such a blessing, that’s it just so great, even though you know the inevitable might be near you still want as many bites of the apple as possible.

None of us know what the future of the salt water treatment might be. My health will maintain its current state indefinitely in the truest sense of the term. The good times could continue for years, or it could all crash tomorrow.

But regardless, this treatment has given me time – time to spend with my wife and family and friends. Time to hit golf balls (usually sideways, but even that’s alright). Time to chase my dogs around the house. Time that frankly I didn’t expect to have. There could be no greater gift, and it’s a miracle in so many ways.


Update (Ed): I had heard that Dean was more or less maintaining a status quo, but things must have taken a turn for the worse over the weekend.  I’m heartbroken, and the First Mate is in tears.  Anyone who read Dean’s work or listened to his broadcasts as a replacement for Hugh Hewitt knows what a kind, gentle, and joyous man he is.  I loved him calling me his “crazy uncle” and his insistence on having me join him for those broadcasts.

Our prayers are with Dean and his entire family today.  May the Lord bring him to his everlasting love and light, and may He give comfort to Dean’s family and friends.  They were truly blessed with Dean.  We all were.

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