Obama TV: The One buys half an hour of airtime on CBS for Oct. 29

And deals with NBC and Fox(!) are in the works. I’m surprised they didn’t simply give him the time and call it “news.” What’s a liberal media good for if not for the occasional freebie?


Today the Dish Network, tomorrow the world:

NBC is said to be very near a deal. With Fox, the matter is likely to remain uncertain as the time period could conflict with Game 6 of the World Series…

The direct purchase of such a large block of national airtime right before an election used to be more commonplace before campaigns began to focus their end game strategies exclusively on battleground states. Such a move is not without precedent in modern presidential politics, however — Ross Perot did a similar purchase in 1992.

The One has a lawyerly fondness for “closing argument” ads so expect something in that vein, likely bookended by schmaltzy long-form campaign spots. He must be raking it in if he can afford a buy like this, so if you want to equalize, you know what to do. Exit question: What, no ABC?

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