Photographic evidence, taken three years to the day before the chickens … came home … to roost. Is Billy Jeff’s culpability in not thoroughly vetting his audience the same as Obama’s in patronizing a hate merchant for 20 years? Not remotely, but anything that makes the Clintons squirm is worth linking. Throw that Hail Mary, Messiah!
Double bonus: There’s an opening here for the left to rub Bush’s face in his own poor audience vetting. Think they’ll use it? C’mon, guys — there’s even a common point of reference! Exit question: Doesn’t this give Hillary a disincentive to prove that Wright’s been saying crazy stuff for decades? If so, then not only should Obama have known but so should the Clintons’ own WH aides.
Update: Incidentally, is this a tacit admission that associating with Wright is improper and scandal-worthy? Triple bonus!
Update: “Isn’t it funny that previous bad Democratic behavior is being used by the media to excuse current Democratic bad behavior?”
Update: Heh. Indeed.
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