Damn, if it doesn't seem as if I'm crackin' on the United Kingdom practically every other day, if not sometimes, at least once a day now.
But, man - are they ever asking for all the scorn and horrified opprobrium my American freedom-saturated fingers can heap on them.
Ever since Sir Keir Starmer's Labour Party won the elections at the start of last summer, I've watched as these progressive reformers stripped away the kinder, gentler masks they wore being the opposition party to reveal the authoritarians who'd been snarling for release underneath.
The murders of young girls by a deranged second-generation teen from an unassimilated immigrant family. A 'youth' with terrorist leanings and homicidal tendencies and their purposeful obfuscation in the aftermath fueling British citizen protests gave Starmer's government the opening they needed. 'Right-wing extremists' being the problem identified by the government, the need to protect against 'Islamophobia', bigotry, 'hate speech,', and 'misinformation' spread to further disruptions contrary to good order allowed Starmer's minions to insist draconian measures were necessary.
They've been implementing them with abandon ever since, even to the point of warning foreigners that their public musings on social media sites about fascism raising its ugly head in the birthplace of the Magna Carta would be considered crimes if the user should ever step foot on British soil.
Starmtroopers might not be knocking at your door in Brooklyn, but they'll be delighted to snag you at the Delta baggage claim or car rental kiosk in Heathrow was basically the gist of the threat.
In our HotAir headlines today, I've excerpted a piece David Atherton wrote for The Brussels Signal. His experience illustrates the true meaning of 'freedom of speech' behind that which Keir Starmer insists to the world England protects.
...In Britain control is covered by the Public Order Act 1986 and the Communications Act 2003. The catch-all is “causing alarm and distress.” Pro-life people have been arrested near abortion clinics for praying in their head. A man was arrested in Hampshire for reposting on X an LGBT image arranged as a swastika.
...The election of the left-wing Labour Party on the July 4, 2024 saw Sir Keir Starmer become prime minister. Against a backdrop of the October 7 Hamas atrocities in Israel, a vicious war of words raged and still rages on X. Since October 7 Britain has endured anti-Israel protests in London. A minority throw Nazi salutes, vile anti-Semitic images and chant the debatably genocidal “from the river to the sea, Palestine will be free.” Many are openly anti-West.
I posted a meme whose legend invoked foul language and dismissed Islam eight months ago. As a journalist I received an email from the Metropolitan Police inviting me in for interview. I informed them of my reluctance. Exasperated, three weeks later, two police officer hand delivered a letter informing me I would be arrested if I did not attend. I assume they were looking for me to incriminate myself. After a no-comment interview I got a phone call for no further action a month ago.
I've done post after post on pensioners either being visited or literally being hauled off by the regime's enforcement arm.
🚨BREAKING: British police arrest old man after his social media post caused anxiety for someone.
— God Save Great Britain (@GSGB01) December 7, 2024
Britain is broken. pic.twitter.com/co3YcNBujo
Or being thrown in jail for videos of your village in flames while those actually engaging in arranging the 'peaceful but fiery' display go on their merry way.
...Starmer's a frustrated progressive fascist using whatever tools he has to make the situation more volatile, so he can go completely authoritarian in response.
...For almost 48 hours news footage recalled analogies with Northern Ireland at the height of the Troubles in the 1970s. Then Sir Keir Starmer chose to pour more gasoline on the flames. His official pronouncements in person and online in response to the disorder made no attempt to calm tensions or strike a tone of national unity, and it must be assumed that that thought never occurred to him. Nor was any sympathy offered in the direction of the complex social and economic grievances animating the protestors, or white working-class anomie in cities and towns across Britain which for decades have been used as dumping grounds for surplus immigration.
Instead, Starmer hectored the populace with incendiary far-leftist rhetoric tinged with petulant anger. There was blanket condemnation of the protestors as “far-right” (in other words, anything which isn’t far-left), sadistic threats of swift judicial retribution, recklessly clumsy threats of a “standing army” of specialist police officers to put down urban revolt, and a pledge for extra funds and resources to protect the Muslim community.
In later statements 24-hour courts and extra prosecutors were promised to fill prisons with quotas of the troublesome. There will at least be some cells for them: Labour’s very first policy announcement upon entering office on July 4, 2024, was to announce the early release of 40,000 convicted criminals. Was the space being cleared to make room for political prisoners?
Things deteriorated through the fall and, at the beginning of this week, what was once unthinkable in England - blasphemy laws - moved closer to reality with the launching of the Deputy Prime Minister's working group to officially 'define Islamophobia.'
...The 'Islamophobic!' accusation was already being employed as a cudgel to crush any further investigation of the grooming gangs plaguing the country and as a tool to smear parents, reporters, and advocates who were demanding justice and answers.
Accusations of “Islamophobia” are being used as a way to suppress the exposure of grooming gangs, a report has claimed.
The government is being urged to adopt a formal definition of anti-Muslim discrimination to be used nationally, which critics have said would effectively act as a blasphemy law.
Horrified British citizens were already voicing their outrage at the proposals by mid-week.
But, as Curley Joe says in City Slickers...
...and neither was Labour's busy freedom-stomping week.
Something called 'Revised Sentencing Guidelines' dropped from their 'Sentencing Council' and HOLY MOTHER OF GOD.
All I can say is, 'Good luck, white guys.'
New Sentencing Council guidelines will encourage "a tailored sentence that is the most appropriate for the offender". Translation: if you are an ethnic minority you will be less likely to go to prison.
— Laurie Wastell (@L_Wastell) March 5, 2025
This is the definition two-tier justice. https://t.co/4yIqdwMty3 pic.twitter.com/RuVrQQueaL
The new and improved 'sentencing guidelines' for the United Kingdom call for 'significantly revised...tailored...community and custodial sentences' based on, among other factors (besides pregnancy):
- 'from an ethnic minority, a cultural minority, and/or faith minority.'
To say people are livid would be an understatement.
At least it’s blatant now.
— Allison Pearson (@AllisonPearson) March 6, 2025
The British state favours any groups save its own white, straight majority.
Same with policing. https://t.co/wjvPPqj6jd
It might almost be a virtue-signaling socialist step too far this time.
Ministers criticise ‘two-tier’ sentencing changes in England and Wales
Sentencing Council plans to make offenders’ ethnic backgrounds a greater factor in deciding whether to jail them
Ministers have criticised plans to make the ethnic background of offenders a greater factor in determining whether to jail them, saying they amounted to a “two-tier system” of justice.
Sarah Jones, the industry minister, said the government was opposed to guidance published on Wednesday by the Sentencing Council for England and Wales, which is an independent arm’s-length body.
The guidance, aimed at tackling bias and reducing reoffending, puts more emphasis on the need for pre-sentence reports, which give details of the offender’s background, motives and personal life before sentencing.
Under the change, which would come into force on 1 April, magistrates and judges would be asked to consult a pre-sentence report before determining whether to imprison someone of an ethnic or religious minority as well as young adults, abuse survivors and pregnant women.
At present black and minority ethnic communities are overrepresented at almost all stages of the criminal justice process in England and Wales, and are more likely to be imprisoned and receive longer sentences than white people.
Asked about the new guidelines on LBC radio, Jones said: “We disagree with this decision. I think it’s really important in the country that people are trusting in the justice system that we have and that means you can’t have a two-tier system, it has to be fair, it has to be equal to everybody and so we have asked them to think again about this guidance.”
It's astonishing that something this blatantly discriminatory has been presented at all.
🇬🇧 𝗔𝗡𝗚𝗘𝗥 𝗔𝗧 𝗡𝗘𝗪 𝗨𝗞 '#𝗧𝗪𝗢𝗧𝗜𝗘𝗥' 𝗦𝗘𝗡𝗧𝗘𝗡𝗖𝗜𝗡𝗚 𝗥𝗨𝗟𝗘𝗦 𝗙𝗢𝗥 𝗠𝗜𝗡𝗢𝗥𝗜𝗧𝗜𝗘𝗦 #TwoTierJustice#TwoTierKierhttps://t.co/edHULIr3mo pic.twitter.com/5GCD4Of4kW
— Foz (@arcticmatt) March 6, 2025
Particularly when trust in the fairness of the British judiciary and law enforcement is already at an all-time low ebb thanks to Starmer's revolting policies and heavy-handed governance.
What's also striking to me about this entire, sorry exercise is how close we came to this very thing.
Had the Democrats and their miserable machine prevailed, the march to a collapse of every constitutional right we cherish and life in a police state was not only possible, but well underway.
The only thing that saved us—with rot still to be torn out by the bureaucratic roots and the poisoned soil salted and cauterized—was November 5th.
That we had an election on November 5th to turn it around decisively.
And that we did so.
We did it.
We fought this off - the 'unthinkable.'
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