
HHS Sure Had 'Migrants' Livin' Large

AP Photo/Rodrigo Abd

For once, we don't have to thank the DOGE team for cracking open this can of worms, but I just wanted to say it sure seems as if the cabinet members and department heads Trump nominated are worth every blessed penny and bloody nose it took to get them confirmed, too.

The money that blew out of the doors during the Biden administration to support their corruption and their malevolent designs is mindblowing, just damn mindblowing.

And we would never know had it not been for the deep-digging of the phenomenal people in those departments now.

Yesterday's big news was broken by the new Environmental Protection Agency head, Lee Zeldin himself. During an Xweet video, he announced that he'd found $20B dollars - billions with a big, fat 'B' - which slimy Biden EPA slugs had shoveled out the door to squirrel away somewhere safe until they returned to power.

David covered it yesterday. 

The gist of the story is that the EPA cultists had literally built themselves an off-site slush fund at hidden away Citibank, thereby subject to zero oversight and regulations.

A $20 billion Biden administration green-energy slush fund was collecting interest at a private bank and is being distributed without proper oversight, Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Lee Zeldin reveals in an exclusive interview.

President Joe Biden’s EPA parked $20 billion at the financial institution, which The Post has learned is Citibank, as part of the 2022 Inflation Reduction Act’s Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund. But the awardees weren’t announced until August 2024 and Citibank was not brought in until September — after Biden’s disastrous June debate performance led him to withdraw from his re-election effort in July, making for a very different race with Vice President Kamala Harris the Democratic nominee.

Zeldin’s team is looking into whether former EPA employees are working at any of the grantees, which include the Opportunity Finance Network (receiving $2.29 billion), where vice president Laura Silverman says she brings “economic, financial, and social justice to communities,” and the Native CDFI Network ($400 million), which has featured Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) as a speaker. Power Forward Communities, a $2 billion recipient, has no list of employees on its website — but does have openings for government affairs VP, communications VP and special assistant.

That's one big find in only one department, hello.

VURT DA FURK is going on?

Today, word came that an Open the Books (OTB) report had also been dropped yesterday. While it may not all be money we can claw back - although it sounds as if some of it we could - holy crap. Is it EVER money we'd best not spend again, and maybe someone might go to jail for once.

I know, I know - DON'T TALK CRAZY TALK!

But listen up, and you tell me once you get it all.

Health and Human Services (HHS) has a department with the vaguely UN/WEF-sounding title of Office of Refugee Resettlement (Spidey senses going off yet?) or ORR.

In 2023, OTB filed a Freedom of Information Act request for email pertaining to the Biden administration's director of the ORR, Robin Dunn Marcos, and either of her previous employers. She had 23 years with the International Rescue Committee (IRC) and four working for the Church World Service. 

As you can see, like most of these bureaucrats, she already had deeply established roots in the NGO sector. 

Currently, OTB has NOT received any of the information they requested almost two years ago, so keep that in mind as we go through this.

Now, you might not know her name specifically, but you'll remember the event she's infamous for.

Yes, she was the woman in charge of the program who lost all those 'migrant' kids - those 'unaccompanied children' as the euphemism goes.

The unelected bureaucrat who was literally responsible for children's lives.

Well, according to yesterday's OTB report, HHS, along with ORR Director Dunn Marcos, also let money float out the door without much accounting for how it was being used. It was buttloads of money. 

What they spent it on should royally fry every American's red, white, and blue asterisk.

...Non-governmental groups bilked taxpayers for up to $1.7 billion in services including dollar-for-dollar matching savings plans for cars, homes, college educations or startups; small-business loans of up to $15,000; loans to repair credit history of up to $1,500; “cultural orientation,” “emergency housing support,” legal assistance and Medicaid care.

Some programs were only available to migrants or refugees who had been living in the US for several years, who were employed or who were making around double the federal poverty level or less, among other stipulations.

The most funding, however, was spent on unaccompanied migrant children, with $12.4 billion obligated over the five years — even as federal whistleblowers were calling out ORR for placing many of the 291,000 kids in their care with unvetted and at times abusive sponsors.

“The Shining City on a Hill, with its walls and doors, makes room for legal immigrants and legitimate refugees and asylum seekers, but the ORR has made a mockery of that vision in recent years,” OpenTheBooks CEO John Hart told The Post.

ORR - Dunn Marcos. She was handling some hefty sums year after year while losing track of the kiddos.

...More than $2.6 billion went out the door in fiscal year 2020, $2.3 billion in fiscal year 2021, $3.3 billion in fiscal year 2022, $10 billion in fiscal year 2023 and $4.2 billion in fiscal year 2024.

The funding tranches were obligated spending, meaning not all the money has been disbursed so far.

Migrants from Cuba and Haiti, humanitarian parolees from Afghanistan and Ukraine, special immigrant visa holders from Afghanistan and Iraq and unaccompanied minors from abroad were all eligible for grant programs.

The watchdog group pointed out that the windfall came as ORR was expanding access to legal counsel for migrants and eliminating the need for other noncitizens, like refugees, to become economically self-sufficient “as quickly as possible.

So was it that ORR was overwhelmed with all these children coming in that they lost track, having to do this monitoring themselves?

Ah, well, no. That's where it gets tricksy and smells really bad.

Although Ms. Dunn Marcos recused herself from any contract dealings that involved her former employers, don't you know they made out like proverbial bandits?

So weird when that happens. I mean, I could use half the raise IRC got. Who am I kidding - I'd be tickled with a tenth of it.

Top Biden HHS Official Funneled Billions To Migrants Through Her Nonprofit Connections

...Robin Dunn Marcos, who led HHS’s Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) under former President Joe Biden, oversaw $22.6 billion in grant distributions since 2020, with her former employers emerging as top beneficiaries. The International Rescue Committee (IRC), where she spent 23 years as a senior director, received $598 million, while Church World Service, her employer of four years, was awarded $355 million, according to an OpenTheBooks report.

...While HHS officials maintained to the outlet that Dunn Marcos recused herself from decisions involving her former employers, OpenTheBooks reported that IRC’s funding increased dramatically during her tenure, jumping from $22 million in fiscal year 2021 to over $235 million in 2023.

Through a network of nonprofit organizations, ORR provided an extensive array of benefits to migrants, including dollar-for-dollar matching savings plans for vehicle and home purchases, small business loans up to $15,000 and credit repair loans up to $1,500. Additional services included “cultural orientation,” emergency housing support, legal assistance and Medicaid care. The OpenTheBooks report called the programs a “giant magnet for those seeking to cross the border and claim asylum.”

Not only are illegals not just getting subsistence food and shelter but - DAY-YUM - savings plans with matching dollars for cars and homes, loans, etc., Ms. Dunn Marco's former employers are having their skids greased by the American taxpayers doing it.

This is so outrageous and abusive that you should have angry mobs of North Carolinians descending on that office building, if not every American, who can take the day off to protest.

It's unconscionable. It's disgusting.

God willing, there's money to be clawed back.

Classically, Dunn Marcos slunk out of town when Trump was inaugurated. 

I'm sure she's tucked herself right back into the lucrative NGO fold. She earned a nice, warm spot after all the largesse she handed out - that's how these operations work. 

But I don't see how something this blatant slides without some kind of investigation, I just don't. Especially if OTB gets those emails, with the Trump administration on fire about waste and fraud and our new HHS director, they no doubt will - if HHS doesn't already have someone diving into it.

Peachy's right, though. 

At this rate, a supervillain-super spender list would be invaluable.

A column each for name, department, arrested/not, and dollars clawed back.

Then we turn it into a bingo game card or a dart board.

That would work.

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