USAID and the Power That Be...or Was

AP Photo/Steven Senne

The Pandora's box that is USAID, which, now that it's opened, keeps belching out more evidence of the malevolent, unrestricted inner workings of a rotten, subversive bureaucracy, had to have someone in charge of it for these past few years of particularly egregious anti-American spending.


And so it did - Samantha Power, who took over the agency in May of 2021.

You all might remember her as Obama's United Nations representative, but she has kept herself involved in all of the former president's pet projects since.

She's also an Irish immigrant, which is something I was unaware of until today.

This is from Power's official congressional witness biography, which I thought might be much more pertinent and reliable than Wiki's, as she probably wrote most of it herself. See how many woke code words/catch phrases you can identify.

...Power will also ensure that USAID enhances its longstanding leadership in areas including food security, education, women’s empowerment, and global health. Additionally, Power is the first USAID Administrator to be a member of the National Security Council, where she will ensure that development plays a critical role in America’s responses to a range of economic, humanitarian, and geopolitical issues

Prior to joining the Biden-Harris Administration, Power was the Anna Lindh Professor of the Practice of Global Leadership and Public Policy at Harvard Kennedy School and the William D. Zabel Professor of Practice in Human Rights at Harvard Law School. From 2013 to 2017, Power served in the Obama-Biden Administration as the 28th US Permanent Representative to the United Nations. During her time at the UN, Power rallied countries to combat the Ebola epidemic, ratify the Paris climate agreement, and develop new international law to cripple ISIS’s financial networks. She worked to negotiate and implement the ambitious Sustainable Development Goals, helped catalyze bold international commitments to care for refugees, and advocated to secure the release of political prisoners, defend civil society from growing repression, and protect the rights of women and girls. 

From 2009 to 2013, Power served on the National Security Council staff as Special Assistant to the President and Senior Director for Multilateral Affairs and Human Rights. At the NSC, she advised the Obama-Biden Administration on issues such as democracy promotion, UN reform, LGBTQ+ and women’s rights, atrocity prevention, and the fights against human trafficking and global corruption. 

An immigrant from Ireland, Power began her career as a war correspondent in Bosnia, and went on to report from places including Kosovo, Rwanda, Sudan, and Zimbabwe. She was the founding executive director of the Carr Center for Human Rights Policy at the Harvard Kennedy School, and has been recognized as one of Time’s “100 Most Influential People,” one of Foreign Policy’s “Top 100 Global Thinkers,” and by Forbes as one of the “World’s 100 Most Powerful Women.” ...


Power also has the requisite Harvard (JD) and Yale (BA) degrees, not to mention a non-fiction Pulitzer.

She's like a progressive cyborg, no? 

Notice what I highlighted - Power, with all that unaccountable money at her disposal, was also on Biden's National Security Council, making sure that USAID would be playing an 'important role' in things including geopolitical issues.

Scary AF.

Where were the Democrats screaming about 'unelected bureaucrats' then?

Nowhere to be seen because Power is like their perfect poster girl. She even has the ideal totalitarian globalist husband for a partner.

No arguments over freedom of anything at that dinner table at night.

And Power, like Valerie Jarrett and the rest of the malevolent, globalist, anti-American Obama eggheads, work best in stealth behind curtains of impenetrable layers of bureaucracy. 

USAID was the dream job for one of Obama's most trusted and lethal lieutenants. Billions flowing in, no accountability to overseers on how it flowed out, and the ability to meddle in affairs domestic and foreign under the guise of 'saving the children' or 'democracy' or 'whatever' whilst writing checks that never required receipts of delivery of goods for. 


With Power on the NSC plus at the head of USAID with a braindead vegetable as president, the Obama agenda could go forward virtually unimpeded and paid for, with no pesky congressional interruptions.


Black Lives Matter and an execrable Soros foundation... 

...which work directly against the very principles this country was founded on and continually strives towards - freedoms and guaranteed equalities, which are anathemas to Obama-ites - were funded with American tax dollars.

It is becoming pretty well established that USAID seems to have bought and paid for almost the whole of print and online mainstream media.

The BBC is whining they've been cut off from the USAID teat - I read somewhere our tax dollars were something like 8% of the BRITISH Broadcasting Corporation's budget.

And here I was laughing at tiny Honduras for having 25% of their GDP being remittances from the US.


It seems every minute, there's another bombshell out of the USAID Pandora's box exposing what a nest of vipers the American taxpayer has been unwittingly supporting.

Power has been fired, and, as I said in an earlier post, left a classic video bemoaning her fate and that of all the now sure-to-starve children in the world because of the Bad Orange Man and the unelected billionaire.

It's creepy af - like a 1930s dystopian Orson Wells black-and-white film scary.

What's interesting is who else is also worrying about poor children starving now that USAID is frozen, perhaps to die. CBS News was so desperate to call Trump a murderer they shipped Debora Patta off to Sudan.

It's kind of funny about leveling that charge at Trump, as Power's globalist buddies POTATUS, Victoria Nuland, Sullivan, and the rest of the skulking Biden brain-dead trust's arrogance basically allowed that situation to erupt in the first place.

In another, German Greens, of all people, are at the European Union begging for the EU to step in and replace the lost USAID funds for the work the Americans were doing in Hungary.

Say whut? HUNGARY?


Are children starving there - I wasn't aware. There haven't been any celebrities singing.

It turns out that, no - it's not to feed the children at all. USAID was on the ground in Hungary to SAVE DEMOCRACY...

 Left-wing German MEP Daniel Freund has taken to social media to plead for the European Union to fill the funding gap left by USAID’s withdrawal from Hungary.

The Greens/European Free Alliance member’s call on X on February 6 came in response to US tech billionaire-turned-US-government-official Elon Musk’s decision to slash USAID funding worldwide.

Freund pointed out the US government had previously pumped “several million dollars per year” into what he described as “rule of law, anti-corruption and pro-democracy programmes” in Hungary.

...from the democratically elected president of Hungary, Victor Orban.

You see, the Obama crowd can't stand him.

Here's Power in Hungary herself telling you exactly why she was there.

They've been gunning for him for a while, again, attempting regime change/interfering with a democratically elected government with your tax dollars.

Hungary has been in the crosshairs of the Biden/Obama administration ever since Prime Minister Viktor Orban refused to align with the WEF Western Democracies in their quest for regime change in Russia.  As the NATO led western alliance assembled to use Ukraine as a proxy war against Russia, Hungarian Prime Minister Orban would not join.

In early April 2022, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban was overwhelmingly reelected {LINK}, despite the massive efforts against him by the European Union, western and euro-centric multinational globalists.   As a result of the victory, Brussels was furious at the Hungarian people.  Associated Press – […] “Orban — a fierce critic of immigration, LGBTQ rights and “EU bureaucrats” — has garnered the admiration of right-wing nationalists across Europe and North America.” (link)


Orban wasn't USAID and Power's first regime change target - they brag of pulling off at least eight of these. 

God-wiling, he is the last.

Power is out of a job for a bit but they'll circle the wagons around her soon enough.

There is no one to pardon her should anyone in the Trump administration start REALLY digging.

I would bet there's already a shovel in hand somewhere.

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