So, About Yesterday: Do Not Allow the Left to Do the Jihadi Two-Step

AP Photo/Matthew Hinton

I was going to take it easy yesterday. That rare kind of break in the middle of the week that allows you to have some fun, much the same as I did on Christmas Day. My cruel and backbreaking bossman had even relented both holidays, giving me permission to sluff off my headlines chores. Take the day off, as it were. 


But the carols and videos I'd found for Christmas already had me planning what sort of whimsical, silly things I could fill those slots with for New Year's. To hell with the news, I was thinking. Let's just freaking chill out.

Every morning, the routine is the same - get up, fire up the puter, tell the cats to hold their cookies, and check my phone to see if Ebola has sent something overnight before starting the farm chores - taking care of the inside and outside menagerie.

He had. He sent the first AP report about the attack to cross the wire.

New Orleans? New Year's and a major bowl game?

It had to be a drunk driver gone tragically awry because, in a city we know all too well, that's how a good portion of the bad things happen. 

Drunks don't deliberately avoid barriers - they tend to hit them. They don't fly their vehicles down sidewalks nor pop out of their wrecks, and start gunfights. 

Maybe he was just a nut case - the first report I got up certainly sounded like that.

BREAKING HORROR: Ten Dead, 30+ Injured When Driver Plows Car Into Bourbon Street Crowd

At least 10 people are dead and dozens injured after a driver plowed a car into a crowd of New Year's revelers on Bourbon Street in New Orleans, according to authorities.

The driver exited the vehicle and fired a weapon after hitting the crowd. A large police presence and EMS were reported at the scene. Roughly 30 people have been transported to five hospitals across the city after suffering injuries from the attack.

"There has been a mass casualty incident on Canal and Bourbon Street. Get yourself away from the area," NOLA Ready announced on social media. 

"The 8th District is currently working a mass casualty incident involving a vehicle that drove into a large crowd on Canal and Bourbon Street," city officials said. 

Almost immediately, information became more grim, and word of who was behind the wheel and why - no thanks to local or federal authorities - became known and then confirmed.

X was an invaluable source of real-time information, as were the local New Orleans stations and online news. I found I could usually confirm something I found within minutes and be confident enough to post it here sometimes hours before the national news, or again, any of the parade of clowns at the official level, did the same.


When the death count rose to 15, or NOLA police blowing up IEDs they'd discovered.

The ISIS flag on the back of the pickup was another such horrifying example.

When surveillance video emerged of the truck on Canal Street, it showed that the flag, while on the truck, had always been rolled, thereby exonerating police of any part in hiding it from the public.

But FBI actions have been nothing sort of a ghastly charade from the moment the "Assistant Special Agent in Charge" of the New Orleans office...and let me say that again. Because this female isn't some poor junior agent who got stuck with holiday duty and woken up to speak out of the blue. So we should cut her some slack.

Oh, hell to the no.

Alethea Duncan is the Assistant Special Agent IN CHARGE of the New Orleans FBI office.

The clown show of incompetence that was on display yesterday vis-à-vis New Orleans officialdom, has to be unrivaled in the annals of big-city emergency management.

What a disgrace they all are. To a one.

They do not deserve the officers who work for this miserable, unworthy leadership and still run TO the sound of the gunfire.

A six thousand pound vehicle that the revelers on Bourbon could not hear careening out of the dimness down the sidewalks and the narrow street.


Dear God. The monster.

Never in my worst nightmare did I expect to spend the day filling the headlines with breaking news about a terror attack of such immense proportions in a place our little family knows and loves.

We were picking out familiar landmarks bathed in Christmas and police lights, reading street signs as cameras panned, trying to pinpoint exactly where this had happened.

Hours later, as video of that white truck swooping around the police car to start its rampage of carnage at the mouth of Bourbon, all we could think was, "My God - we know every filthy crack in every block of sidewalk...right there."

The ISIS flag was the sickening exclamation point to the death in the street. It explained everything.

We don't need anyone to tell us they're 'trying to determine a motive.' We see it, and we have known forever what Islamic radicals are capable of, even as we're told white rage, Catholics, parents at school board meetings, and grannies with flags in the Rotunda are the real enemy.

This monstrous creature, this 'quiet, helpful' neighbor and recent convert to a vile death cult, ripped through a crowd of innocent people with one aim in mind and died trying to take out more.

...The violence appeared to explode out of nowhere to those who had known Mr. Jabbar as a smart, caring brother and a quiet, helpful neighbor. But there were also signs of growing instability in his life.

Mr. Jabbar divorced his first wife, Nakedra Charrlle Marsh in 2012, then struggled with adjusting to civilian life after leaving active-duty military service about a decade ago. He separated from his second wife.

Dwayne Marsh, who is married to Mr. Jabbar’s ex-wife, said Mr. Jabbar had been acting erratically in recent months, “being all crazy, cutting his hair” after converting to Islam. Mr. Marsh said he and his wife stopped allowing the two daughters she shared with Mr. Jabbar, ages 15 and 20, to spend time with him.


As with any religion, like a Catholic or Baptist Church, connected to a mass murdering maniac who did his foul deeds in the name of his beliefs, Islamic leaders rushed to help authorities in any way they could.

Oh, wait. No, they didn't.

I forgot who I was dealing with.

The 'we're the victims here' cult clammed up tighter than an oyster and told members not to cooperate with anyone.

They seem really nice.

I bet if I ask CAIR, they'd tell me: 1) they are very nice 2) they're the victims here 3) I'm an Islamaphobe for asking

Anyone wanna take that bet?


Seen this act before, have we?

Like how there were blood and body parts still on the street in Louisiana and four-year-olds now without mothers, but just a few hours later, there are terrorist sympathizers for that same flag blocking traffic in New York?


It's been going on for so long. 

In 2014, the Mobile City Council tied themselves in knots over a mosque expansion request, and a councilwoman even received a letter threatening her if she objected.

The mosque's leader was screaming 'discrimination', and the city caved without paying attention to the mosque. It was a pretty embarrassing reversal when they realized the mosque president's son was none other than a world-famous Al-Shabaab terrorist. Learned at Daddy's knee, the lad did.

 ...As for “discrimination”, well…I can understand parking and traffic issues completely. We have little home grown Christian churches around here and Bible studies that just outgrow the neighborhoods, and they’re a pain in the ass, God love ’em. We’re not telling you you can’t have your church anymore. But PLEASE MOVE it where the infrastructure can HANDLE it.

Then again, those little preachers ~ most of them ~ don’t have kids like THIS particular mosque’s Imam, either.

Mosque Leader Says Discrimination a Factor

It’s a situation that has the president of a local mosque pondering his next move.

“I believe in all my heart that this is somewhat of a discrimination,” said Shafik Hammami.

The Islamic Society of Mobile has called East Drive home for over 20 years. The buildings however, are much older, and that’s why Hammami wants to rebuild.

…”Does it have anything to do with them being Muslim?” I asked [a neighbor] Montgomery. “Not really, no. Of course it’s, you know we have feelings. Terrorist that came from that particular mosque, makes you think,” she said.

And that terrorist is Omar Hammami, who is Shafik Hammami’s sonHe is on the America’s Most Wanted list for supporting the terrorist organization Al Shabaab and recruiting terrorist for the organization.


His son, the elder Hammami noted, died "fighting for his principles."  That mosque is still there but we haven't heard much out of Hammami since his spawn made him famous.

A year later, five military members in a recruiting office were slaughtered in Nashville. 

Guess who the victims really were.

Five Dead Military Members

…but of COURSE we should be worried about…anxious MUSLIMS.

Chattanooga Muslims mourning, anxious after shootings

CHATTANOOGA, Tenn. (AP) — As the death toll rose to five, a handful of governors ordered National Guardsmen to take up arms in response to the brazen attacks on two Tennessee military sites.

In Chattanooga, a city that prides itself on strong ties between people of different faiths, some Muslims feared the community’s perception of them had changed after the shooting rampage Thursday. A 24-year-old man and fellow Muslim killed four Marines and wounded three others, including a sailor who died Saturday from his wounds....

What I said then was, "I think they should be looking at themselves, but that's just me..."

Always on bended knees to the sensitivities of the Islamic community.

Nothing's changed except the ignorance of those flying ISIS and Palestinian flags in the streets right now in concert with the true terrorist sympathizers cultivating them in the streets and in those mosques. 

Another exchange from my past illustrates today's ignorant, impressionable youth as far as the seductiveness of the exotic and unfamiliar. 

Minding my own business. Door to the store opens, polite young lad comes in.

“Excuse me, ma’am. Did I see online that you all sell Islamic hats? Head caps?”

“Noooo. I’m afraid that wasn’t us. Now, in the fall we sell Barbour watch caps, but that’s as close as we come.”

“Do you know where in town I could find one? I have kind of a formal occasion I’d like to wear it for.”

“I can’t think of anywhere, honestly. Tell you what! Why don’t you just stop and ask at the mosque where they get theirs?”

Pregnant pause.

“Why would I ask the mosque? You can’t think of anyplace?”

Nope. I’m done. Good luck.


It's those sexy keffiyehs now. Not a clue what they represent - just that they look good on 'most everybody and conveniently hide your face from future employer searches should you ever mature and realize what an ass you've been.

There are dupes among them, but there is so much evil there to follow for simple-minded fools.

I am unequivocal in my hatred for hate. 

If you are preaching it and an immigrant, as are so many of these imports, you need to go. I don't care if you've been here for decades sucking off the government teat and are a pillar of the community, which isn't saying much if what you're saying is preaching anti-American death and destruction.

You have no right to be here.

 The communities who, time and again, nurture these vipers in their bosom and have the unmitigated gall to claim victimhood need to be told we're not falling for the act anymore. The guilt trip won't fly like that truck that just slaughtered 15 people, maybe more.

Look to yourselves for the answers. Clean out the festering hate the worst people among you nurture because we aren't changing for you.

America was built on rights and respect. 

We bend a knee for no one.


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Ed Morrissey 10:00 PM | March 07, 2025