Yes, Gidget - There Is an Oleaginous Grinch Coming for Your Gas - ALL of It

Office of the California Governor

Was it only a year ago that we had smug Lefties smirking as they tried to burn their kitchen down, staging ill-conceived attempts at mockery?



This impressive fellow shares that he, too, possesses a gas stove, which means no one of the progressive bent could ever take it from HIM.

This is also why it is a much simpler world to live in if you are progressive. If you say it, it is so. Voilà!

Reality dare not intrude.

Witness the happy cultists in California, for example. They are always Ground Zero for stomping all over Americans' right to choose and doing their best to squash our once enviable standard of living. All in the name of NetZero and decarbonization and whatever the cult favorite of the moment is.

What it costs and the pain it causes are neither here nor there in pursuit of winning the latest, bestest Green grifting trophy.

For example, in June, something called the South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD) took a bold step into the regulation business on their own, and put the screws to everyone who uses an industrial strength boiler in their area. You know, people like laundromats, cleaners, snack packaging plants, bottlers, etc. All of which exist in the district.

The Green weenies on the board decreed that starting from 2026 forward with 'new construction,' such super-sized, super-hot boilers would no longer be permitted to be fueled by anything other than electricity. Existing facilities would have until 2033 to swaparooski.


Your nat gas boiler was now a dead boiler spewing...sort of.

Swimming pools and dry cleaners use them. So do aircraft-engine factories, textile mills, and facilities that make packaged snacks and bottled drinks. Wherever there’s a need for large amounts of steam or heat, industrial boilers and water heaters are likely to be found.

Usually, this ubiquitous equipment is fueled by fossil gas — and spews high levels of harmful emissions.

...On Friday, regulators in the South Coast Air Quality Management District voted to approve a first-in-the-nation measure that aims to sharply reduce emissions of smog-forming nitrogen oxides (NOx) from more than 1 million large water heaters, small boilers, and process heaters in the area. The district includes large sections of Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside, and San Bernardino counties, and it encompasses the most ozone-polluted region in the country.

I say, 'sort of' because, in classic cultish fashion, the board mandated this accelerated change but had to write caveats into the rule to allow for a couple of inconvenient facts. Like that, there's nowhere near enough production capacity in the system at present to meet their requirements. 

...The drawn-out timeline is meant, in part, to give manufacturers of electric heat pumps and thermal-storage solutions enough time to scale up their production to meet the new demand.

Also, it's kind of an important point that the specific zero-emissions high-temperature technology isn't available yet, and, as they're not sure it will be two years down the road, the board had to include a time waiver for that.

...Another major worry among the rule’s skeptics has been the limited availability of zero-emission technologies, particularly for high-temperature units.

...About 43 percent of industrial heat emissions come from low-temperature heat applications, or below 392 degrees Fahrenheit, for which commercial solutions are readily available, Gillespie said. Above that temperature, many technologies are still being developed or just now being deployed. Rondo Energy, for example, has deployed a 2-megawatt-hour heat battery” at a biodiesel plant in Pixley, California, that can store electricity at temperatures exceeding 1,800℉.

The South Coast rule includes exceptions for companies if cleaner technologies don’t mature as anticipated, or if zero-emission equipment isn’t readily available by the time those deadlines arrive. Proponents say a major goal of setting this rule is to send a signal to heat-pump manufacturers and other suppliers to start ramping up production — and to take advantage of millions of dollars in federal incentives now available for doing just that.


At no point has SCAQMD begun to address the collapsing CA electrical grid while mandating a change to electrical appliances for every business in their district.


Might need a long extension for that, too.

You know what else might not be available for much longer? Those "millions of dollars in federal incentives" they were all counting on to pay for this eventual boondoggle.

Just sayin'.

So, from this little gem of public governance, you can pretty much take the measure of the SCAQMD board's foresight and intelligence level. These people are all into 'sending signals' of the virtuous kind, as opposed to not burdening their constituents with ill-conceived and ruinous pipedreams.

Never ones to let the earth boil around them, the SCAQMD board was on the move again soon after that.

A new board member dropped in for his very first meeting this month, all bright-eyed and bushy-tailed and ready to save the planet...and wound up writing a horrified op-ed to the Orange County Register instead.

He was appalled at what he found ready to go on the board's agenda.

The government’s new furnace and water heater rules are coming for you

The South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD) exists to improve regional air quality. I recently joined its Governing Board, eager to support the cause. Following my first meeting, though, I am deeply concerned, not only for my Orange County constituents, but also for all residents of the four-county SCAQMD service area. 

The SCAQMD is considering two rules that are far-reaching in scope and expense but will seemingly do little to clean the air. If implemented, these rules would impose ruinous expenses on already stretched residents and businesses, potentially cause people to lose housing, and strain an already stretched electricity grid.

SCAQMD intends to adopt two rules on all homeowners, multi-family residents, and businesses – more than 17 million people in all. The goal: eliminate natural gas appliances. Proposed Amended Rules 1111 and 1121 require homeowners, landlords, and businesses to replace furnaces and water heaters with costly new “zero-emission” electrical units.

Fortunately, anyone potentially affected by the rules has time to weigh in.

As proposed under Rule 1121, if your water heater breaks after January 1, 2027, the government will force you to replace it with an electric model. These contraptions are prohibitively expensive, would require major home or business electrical upgrades, and likely impose lengthy permit wait times. Likewise, Rule 1111 targets natural gas furnaces – if your furnace fails in 2028 or beyond, you must replace it with electric technology

The cost to implement these rules? We’re talking potentially tens of thousands of dollars per unit for every homeowner, landlord, and business forced to make these purchases. The overall cost to implement the rules is at least $20.4 billion throughout the entire SCAQMD “Service” area. While staff promises that “costs will come down over time,” that won’t help consumers today or tomorrow. These rules make life in Southern California even more unaffordable. 

And make no mistake: You will be forced to comply. The old technology – the water heaters and furnaces you are using today – will be illegal to purchase or install. Only the wealthiest of Southern California residents can afford such extravagance. Don’t even think about buying replacement units in other states and importing them. You will not be allowed to get a permit to install non-complying appliances, nor can you sell a property containing unpermitted units. You will have to comply.



Schweet, huh? Every once in a while, bureaucrats and politicians forget THIS IS THE FREAKIN' UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.

All they know is how to subjugate and break people.

Yes, huge swath of SoCal - you ALL get to play the electric game, courtesy of your mostly elected (10 out of 13 members) SCAQMD board.

Maybe pay a little more attention to whom you vote for, for starters?

Just because a few overzealous SoCal board members are making life miserable in that pricey section of the state doesn't mean everyone else gets to sit back and watch. 

Oh, no - it doesn't work like that. 

See, Newsom already had the state covered for a 2030-mandated natural gas ban two years ago.

The whole state gets to play 'NO GAS FOR YOU!' - it's only a question of how long you can avoid the pain...and how long your appliances last before you're forced to replace them after the things go into effect.

...They are coming for your gas-powered car, your gas stove, your gas water heater, your gas furnace, your gas dryer, your gas grille, your gas blower, your gas fireplace, and any other gas-powered appliance or vehicle you can think of.

Who is “they” besides California Governor Gavin Newsom and the California Legislature imposing these policies on you?

California is set to become the first state to ban natural gas heaters, water heaters, and furnaces by 2030, a policy of the California Air Resources Board, entirely made up of appointees by the governor, I reported in 2023 in The Tangled Government Web Behind the Push to Ban Gas Stoves, where we link Harvard Health Publishing, the Rocky Mountain Institute,  MDPI International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, and U.S. National Institute of Health (NIH) National Library of Medicine. NIH is the largest source of funding for medical research in the world. The WHO is named in the studies, as are many Chinese studies.

And they don’t care if it bankrupts you or causes you undue hardship. They don’t care if your public transit system is a hellhole on rails, when they take away your gas-powered car. They don’t care if you have to walk 5 miles to work. They don’t care. Just remember that they don’t care about you. They only care about their autocratic rules – and power.


It's all about the power, and we know damn well not the kind that shoots through wires.

Progressives better light their little fires while they still can, poor, simple souls.

They're always the last to realize that what they've done to everyone else will get them, too.

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Ed Morrissey 10:00 PM | March 07, 2025