In Scotland, Abortion Access May Supersede Your Right to Pray in Your Home

AP Photo/Jill Lawless

Hey, how about that creeping state fascism thing in socialist-leaning "democratic" countries?

Here you thought having your knuckles rapped for misgendering someone was outrageous.


The Scottish are like, "Hold my tartan ale, laddie."

This is, as wee bairn Ebola used to say before stringing whole sentences, "FOR REALS.

The thing is, I when thought these nutcases got rid of the Pakistani-Scottish ardent racist First Minister they had also jettisoned his "hate speech" tools to round up the likes of J.K. Rowling for her transphobia.

It seems they didn't rid themselves of every authoritarian power in those laws Humza Yousaf was so fond of.

That's a pity because this crap sounds downright dystopian, draconian - all the bad "d" words.

The SNP government has warned that praying at home may be illegal under new Scottish abortion laws.

A new law came into force across Scotland last month, creating 200-metre "safe access zones" around all abortion clinics.

The SNP government has warned that praying at home may be illegal under new Scottish abortion laws.

People living within these areas have been cautioned that they may violate the Abortion Services Act (Scotland) 2024 if they engage in any behaviour that could "harass, alarm, or distress" clinic staff or patients.

So what does "harassment" boil down to, or how do they define such a thing if you're unfortunate enough to live within this new "no-go" zone?


The government has helpfully sent a "How to Behave" letter to all the people summarily deprived of their rights.

In the letter, kindly British authorities warn homeowners that they'll soon be the lucky occupants of one of these zones - which can be increased or decreased in size at the government's whim - and rattles off things allowed or not in your own yard.

Obviously you can't impede someone's progress to said nearby clinic, but it goes much further.


...Guidance published by the Scottish Government to accompany the law change lists “religious preaching” and “silent vigils” as examples of activities that could be prohibited if conducted with “intent or recklessness”.

A letter sent to residents in an Edinburgh “safe access zone,” seen by The Telegraph, warned they could face criminal prosecution for actions carried out at home.

It said: “In general, the offences apply in public places within the safe access zones.

And then they get downright pissy.

...“However, activities in a private place (such as a house) within the area between the protected premises and the boundary of a zone could be an offence if they can be seen or heard within the zone and are done intentionally or recklessly.

Well, that threat's pretty darn clear.


Plus, there's a snitch number to call.

And the folks involuntarily trapped in these "Orwellian," government-designated zones are torqued.

...One Edinburgh resident said she was “surprised” to receive such a letter. “As a Christian, I pray all the time,” the young woman said, adding: “To think that this could now be a criminal offence, even within the vicinity of my own home, is truly unbelievable.”

Michael Robinson, executive director of the Society for the Protection of Unborn Children, told The Telegraph: “This sinister and deeply Orwellian guidance suggests that the buffer zone legislation could be used to control and regulate religious activity on private property, including displaying a Bible verse saying all life is sacred in their window, or someone silently praying in their front garden – or even their front room if they are seen or heard from the street.”

He added: “Most ordinary people, regardless of their views on abortion, would find it excessive and wrong to threaten individuals with hefty fines for praying in their own homes.

Next thing you know, the state will be telling you it's not really "your OWN home."

Yeah. Scots really should take a hard look at themselves if they can stand to. And I don't think it's the SNP singing about William Wallace.

They're more the Edward types.


And DO pay attention, England and Wales.

You get your version of the exact same medicine come the end of October.

Everyone on the island gets a cage and a state jailer.

The British law is especially pernicious because it's an end-run around their courts, who have been pretty uniformly booting cases of citizens charged for praying outside of clinics...silently.

...In August, West Midlands Police apologised and paid £13,000 to a Christian charity volunteer who said her arrest for silently praying outside an abortion clinic violated her human rights.

The British government decided it was through with the inconvenience and blackeyes...

...Similar laws are set to be imposed in England following multiple failed prosecutions of Christians praying silently inside their heads near abortionists’ clinics. it completely dispensed with "justice" by changing the law.

Progs here have to be licking their chops.

Oh, you know they are.

But it's not just "Christians" who have to vote.

Americans who love this country.

We're ALL sink or swim together.

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