Times So Hard, Even Kamala Has a Hairy Story

AP Photo/Mike Stewart

Everywhere you turn, things are going to Hell in a handbasket, or so it seems, with or without the direct help of the current administration. Whoever that might consist of at the moment, I should caveat.


The Middle East is teetering on the brink of WWIII, with Israel doing everything it can to hold back the forces of darkness while the Biden-HARRIS administration tries to hold Israel back and disgracefully play footsies with those same forces of darkness.

The economy is a vomitous mess, thanks to the inflationary prescription written by progressives when they enacted their monumental giveaways and regressive regulatory mandates and policies.

The military is a gutted husk of what it once was - unpalatable as a career field and honorable choice of service to a once enthusiastic traditional base of families. You know the chickens of DEI, "white rage hunting," the multiple embarrassments of failed Gaza docks, etc, while spitting on the sacrificial loss of our finest young lives and their families' pain in pursuit of purely political points have come home to roost for good when the Marine Corps barely ekes out meeting its recruitment goal. 

Amid a military-wide recruiting crisis, the Marine Corps said Friday that it surpassed its recruiting goal for the fiscal year by just over two dozen people, according to data shared by the service with Military.com on Friday, a stark decrease from last year's numbers.

Officials said that the service sought to recruit 36,257 Marines this year, squeezing by with 36,286 total -- a difference of just 29 new Devil Dogs. That's a drop from the several hundred Marines recruited over the target number for fiscal 2023, even in the face of smaller recruiting goals this time around.

For new enlisted Marines, the margin of success was even smaller, with just one Marine pushing the service over its 30,500 enlisted recruit goal. For prior service reserve accessions -- both officer and enlisted Marines -- the Corps met its goal of 3,979 exactly.



Disasters, natural and man-made, have proven not just the incompetency that permeates the Biden-HARRIS White House, but the utter and complete indifference to the toll of human suffering if there's no political gain to be had from responding in a swift manner with overwhelming assistance.

East Palestine languished, begging for help after that ghastly train derailment.

Mayor Pete looked put out that he lost the toss and had to go, Transportation Secretary or not.

POTATUS couldn't be bothered even to drop by and stare blankly at the tracks. It was over a year before he made time to appear and then tottered around briefly.

Who the hell knows where Harris was.

Then there was Maui. Devastating. Two weeks after the fire, with tens of thousands of Marines right there on an adjacent island, POTATUS hadn't released them to assist the suffering of the affected and left homeless from the devastating fires.

He never did.

Almost a year later, there were still people displaced, government projects to build housing going off the rails because of poor planning and new island water restrictions, not to mention FEMA always running out of money. All the while, homeless Lahaina residents got to hear about all the wonders the Biden-HARRIS administration was going to work in Gaza.


Who the hell knows where Harris was.

American citizens are like so much chopped liver to this spendthrift globally focused group of progressive grifters.

By the next month, Dem power brokers had booted JoePa from his perch as the presumptive incumbent, substituting the most vacuous, self-absorbed non-entity they could possibly find to run in his stead - his Vice President.

 The already geriatric, dementia-riddled, naturally angry old man was now bitter, too. How dare they?

A series of unfortunate events started piling up, and ominous signs of further turmoil started appearing.

Rumblings of a major port strike that could conceivably cripple the already fragile economy Harris was already desperately trying to distance herself from.

Whether it was a conscious decision to screw over Americans, shiv his daffy-ass successor, or stand with his old union buddies, POTATUS decided to handle it by going to the beach.

Not a good look, but what does he care anymore?

The presidential candidate herself, busy as she is yet still deeply involved in all aspects of the administration, told reporters to, "Ask your father" when quizzed about the walkout.



Inconveniently enough, people are also complaining about another storm and some water now. JoePa got downright testy when they kept after him about responding to the catastrophic Hurricane Helene-induced flooding disaster unfolding in North Carolina and Tennessee. "Why weren't you and VP Harris in Washington?" they had the unmitigated gall to shout.


You have to realize the Vice President, the candidate that she is, was also terribly busy doing Kamala things even as homeless folks slogged through mountains of mud and debris trying to find loved ones, water to drink, food, shelter for the night, and as frustrated volunteers poured into the mountains to attempt rescues and relief and were turned away or stymied by local and federal officials.

Harris #feelz their pain none-the-less. She is nothing if not empathetic and joyful.

She, with her packed schedule of fundraising podcasts on the West Caost, did manage a brief how-dee-do in GEORGIA to drop a cool $750 on survivors who qualify.


Welp...yay. You can't eat it. You can't drink it. It won't keep you dry when you don't have a roof over your head.

But, gosh, thanks, girlfriend. How generous.

Harris must continue to do the country's most important work. Concern and constant awareness of the Americans who are suffering unimaginable tragedies and deprivation remain foremost in her mind, never fear. 

So please don't be too harsh when it seems like she's a little distrac...VURT DA FURK.

This is what she was doing instead of getting her $64K necklace back to D.C. to get a handle on what was going on happening on the ground in North Carolina? 

And who in the Sam Hell on that soulless campaign staff thought this TRITE BULL SCHLITZ was a "cute idea" at this particular moment in time and didn't talk this brain-dead harpy out of doing it, less mind releasing it while AMERICANS are trapped miles up into mountainous territory and fighting for their very survival as if this was an earthquake in the furthest reaches of Kyrgyzstan or something?


It's not. 

It's AMERICA, dammit, you selfish, heartless cow.

That's WHO SHE IS.

Believe it when she shows you.

I'm so mad I could spit.

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