Who's Minding the Store When What Was Stored in POTATUS's Gourd Is About Gone?

AP Photo/Susan Walsh

This has everyone wondering. 

Everyone saw our commander-in-chief snoozing on the beach in Delaware over the weekend. It's not like anything was going on...well, any more than the usual "Does WWIII start this weekend or next?" duck-under-the-desk chaos the Biden-Harris regime has put us through since almost the very first day they took office.


What - Joe worry?

This is what passes for "breaking news" in the Biden-Harris White House.

The Vice President, God bless her little pointy head, is as effective as ever. Only currently, she's spending her time elsewhere vice posing for photo-ops with the nearly equally mentally challenged president.

So. Who's sending those carriers to the Middle East? What if something goes wrong, God forbid, and a call comes in?

Who does the switchboard forward it to?


Oh. Does "the team" include a Secretary of State who's too chicken to go somewhere that might be a tad hot, even if his own inept, teary-eyed bungling helped make it that way? If he helped create those very circumstances?


How about another sterling example of Biden's "team" - Jake Sullivan. He might be a weasely slimeball character, but he is always thoughtful when it comes to the boss's schedule.

Like making sure that hostages don't get released unless it's scheduled for a time when POTATUS will be awake to see it. If the Russkies were going to do it after 8 pm Eastern, sorry Vlad. It would have to wait 'til the next day.

Dem's dah #rulez and dat's dah schedule.

Fortunately for Sleepy Joe, everyone was accommodating.

Turkey adjusted timing of US-Russia prisoner swap to allow Biden to watch it live

Turkish security sources say Jake Sullivan requested the exchange take place when the president would be awake

Turkish officials mediating a nervy prisoner swap between the United States and Russia earlier this month coordinated the timing to allow Joe Biden to watch the exchange live on TV.

On 1 August, Turkey's National Intelligence Organization (MIT) orchestrated the exchange of 26 detainees from prisons in the US, Germany, Poland, Russia and other countries.

...Security sources revealed that in a phone call in July, US National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan asked Turkish intelligence chief Ibrahim Kalin to begin the exchange at 5pm Turkish time (2pm GMT), allowing Biden to observe the operation live.

Turkey facilitated the exchange at Ankara Esenboga Airport, selected for its secure perimeter, while Biden monitored the entire operation via a live feed.



Someone on the team is writing his X posts - tone-deaf but coherent.

It's long been a running joke, but ever since the debate, it's taken on serious overtones, thanks to the state of the world. And yet, everyone from Nancy Pelosi to Chuck Schumer has made the transition from, "He's sharp as a tack" to waving way concern with an airy, "Oh, his people are doing just fine handling it for him" without so much as blinking an eye.

I always thought it was the Obama cadre behind the scenes. The Susan Rice - Anita Dunn and that group. But there was some interesting movement on that angle this afternoon, too. A very cryptic tweet from Susan Rice, of all people. And I can't figure it out. 


Is she trying to tank Kamala? Kamala and her press collaborators are doing everything possible to erase the linkage between Harris and Biden, I assumed with the full blessing of master puppeteer Barack Obama.

But then, what's this? Doesn't it blow all that carefully manicured distance to bits?

Former Biden domestic policy adviser Susan Rice called the idea that Vice President Kamala Harris wasn't "a key part" of the current administration's policies "somewhat bizarre and offensive."

On MSNBC’s "Andrea Mitchell Reports" Tuesday, the host asked about Harris' reported plans to highlight "unfinished pieces of Biden's policies" as part of her campaign. 

"How important is it for her to find a way to differentiate herself from aspects of the Biden agenda? Maybe move the ball, put an emphasis on other things? How does she do that and still be loyal to the fact that she worked with Joe Biden?" Mitchell asked.

"I think it’s very important to remember that this has been the Biden-Harris agenda. Kamala Harris has been an integral architect and executor of the policies of the Biden-Harris administration," Rice said.


What's the Obama plan? They always have a plan.

Whoever "they" are ultimately pulling the strings, they'll have ahold of Harris. If it's Obama running the show now, I can't see them wanting to give that up, unless...


Unless Obama has already thrown in the towel. Maybe he and Michelle see something unsalvageable, which would be a pretty accurate assessment in my book. They were never enthusiastic boosters - far from it, in fact - and came grudgingly to the table. But, then, why bother endorsing her when Biden stepped aside?

So many questions and no one anywhere to get an answer.

We can't be shut of all of these people soon enough.


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