New Jersey’s verminous governor Phil Murphy just does not quit when he digs his ochre stained incisors into an idea, no matter what the peasants inhabiting his state think of it.
The rodentially repellent governor had himself a big mad back in November when Ørsted pulled the plug on their two offshore projects, ones he’d personally invested so much time and spittle-flecked ire into.

But if NJ’s determined anti-off-shore-wind citizens – and, frankly, the rest of us – thought that was the end of Murphy’s demented Green scheming?
As if it wasn’t bad enough when I was home last weekend visiting I found out the scummy operator had renamed the traditional and much-loved Cheesequake rest stop on the Parkway for…Jon Bon Jovi?! #BARF
Wouldja look at dis guy today.
New Jersey regulators approved two offshore wind farms that are expected to deliver enough electricity to power more than 1.8 million homes and help to significantly curb the state’s greenhouse gas emissions.
The state’s Board of Public Utilities unanimously approved the 2.4 gigawatt Leading Light project and the 1.3 gigawatt Attentive Energy Two project at a meeting Wednesday.
The move will help the state meet a goal of having 11 gigawatts of offshore wind in service by 2040.
The endorsement comes just as the US industry is struggling. Inflation and supply-chain issues have driven up costs and prompted developers to delay or cancel projects. Orsted A/S in November walked away from its Ocean Wind 1 and 2 developments in New Jersey.
This is awful news.
Despite the cancellation or pausing of other #NJ projects, @ATLShoresWind is proceeding as planned. 357 massive wind #turbines will extend from Barnegat Light to Brigantine. This project will cause devastating effects to #marinelife, #EndangeredBirds & the economy. Speak out now!
— SaveLBI (@saveLBIorg) January 22, 2024
And as we have documented so many times before, look who’s behind it.
Never Forget The #NewJersey Sierra Club and NJCLV gave their full support to wind farms all while telling you wind farms weren't affecting whale deaths
— ☕ Wαƙҽ Uρ NJ 🇺🇸 (@wakeupnj) January 24, 2024
Just makes you sick.
Wrong. Based on experience, the harms and costs of #OffshoreWind industrialization are what’s incalculable.
Eco-destruction of our coastal waters, marine life slaughter, fishing industry decimation, and exorbitant electricity costs are just a few of the limitless harms this…— Mike Dean (@mikerdean22) January 24, 2024
Looking at one company – Attentive Energy – it’s already questionable considering its being developed by TotalEnergies and Corio Generation. One of the partners already has a reputation. It’s not like Total Energies has a great track record for above board performance and total transparency in its oil business. That took me all of two seconds to find. I will be doing some digging on all of them to see how much wind expertise and success they have, not to mention the reputation of completed projects if they have any.
It should also be enormously unsettling to know that the firm who was doing the sonar soundings for the canceled windfarms will be back plying the waters again – dangerously disrupting the cetaceans and other sea life – as they begin doing the preliminary work on the hundred of turbines going into the ocean off Monmouth County.
…Seafloor surveying for the projects will be done by Fugro, the same vessels that did sonar work for developers Atlantic Shores and Ørsted.
Even though, I suppose, it really doesn’t matter who’s doing the surveying – banging away is banging away.
And how much of this is going to be paid for by the Biden administration, especially, GOD FORBID, should they get a 4 year extension in office.
Ka-ching! Biden is giving another sweetheart deal to the wind industry that will cost ratepayers dearly in the future.
Taxpayers may get stuck with cost of removing an offshore wind farm after Biden admin waives fees via @JustTheNews— Patricia Morgan (@repmorgan) January 24, 2024
Guess it’s time to get the Anti-Off-Shore Wind Farm team back together for Spring Training, for these two, and another proposed round of wind auctions this fall.
This is a continuous game of Whack-A-Mole.
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