Not content to kill coal while campaigning, Biden issues direct death threat to oil

(AP Photo/Matthew Brown)

This guy has to be considered a real asset to boost the party futures for a blow-out election, no? No. Even when some desperate soul brings him in in a futile attempt to salvage some tiny, positive shard from the coming conflagration, he royally steps in it, and then smears that all over his party.


It was only this past Friday when Biden announced the end of the coal industry as we – and West Virginia, Pennsylvania, Ohio, etc – know it

“We’re going to be shutting these plants down all across America and having wind and solar also providing tax credit to help families buy energy-efficient appliances.”

Karen covered the furious blowback here at HotAir, when the French Lady had to do some furious backpedaling/”The president was mis-interpreted” tapdancing trying calm down the outburst from coal country states and congressional leaders like Joe Manchin.

I’d say “fast forward,” but it was only two days later that Biden went off-leash and off-script again, with potentially devastating consequences for the candidates praying for votes from undecided or Election Day citizen voters. The same Americans chafing under gas prices which have never receded to the price they were when he took office (January 2021 – $2.37 gal), and which are already beginning to climb the ladder to stratospheric levels again, not to mention a looming catastrophic diesel and heating oil shortage just as winter arrives.

When a Lefty climate loon shrieks from the audience at a campaign event for the ever-popular, interim governor Kathy Hochul of New York? Biden has to answer, and OH, MAN. Is it ever the WRONG answer.


If you can’t follow his whispering/annoyed old man yelling…

…While wrapping up the speech, a climate protester shouted something at Biden that made him seem visibly annoyed.

No more drilling,” Biden said.

After the protester continued to shout at him, he shot back, sounding even more irritable: “There is no more drilling. I haven’t formed any new drilling.”

Biden makes it clear he’s not going to “make any new drilling,” either, in direct contravention of all the lies the administration has been telling out of one side of their orifice, as they plunge this country into an energy emergency vacuum out of the opposite…

…with the Biden administration being the largest source of disinformation and censorship on our true energy status, as the inimitable Michael Shellenberger has documented time and again.

I’m sure the overlords of the interwebs who remain are working overtime to stymie the spread of this horrific faux pas on Biden’s part, because the stakes are so high in razor-thin races, like Pennsylvania. Some daft declaration like this is enough to tip it over the edge, and past the margin of fraud, it was teetering on. There are large sections of PA who are not very enamored with Dems recently – in fact, they’ve already made the move to the red side.


…Now, amid an ongoing political realignment in Pennsylvania, legions of Democratic voters who punished the GOP in 2006 are now registered Republicans, hoping for a red wave next Tuesday. They live in counties like Westmoreland, where Republicans now dominate a formerly Democratic stronghold, and Luzerne, where the GOP is on course to holding a voter-registration majority. Based on state data, in Luzerne, Northampton, and Erie counties—all traditionally Democratic locales that became prime Trump territory—Democrats have lost more than 8,600 voters since last year. Throughout Pennsylvania, as LehighValleyLive reported, “There were more Democrats who switched to Republican affiliation this year (53,091) than vice versa (19,477).”

If they hear this last little nugget, it’s going to go over like a lead balloon, considering the local populace…

…The Biden administration’s economic response has only intensified the resolve of many Pennsylvanians, in regions like the anthracite coal region and the Lehigh Valley, to vote Republican. Just outside Bethlehem, for example, a construction company owner has displayed campaign signs for Mehmet Oz, the GOP Senate candidate, and Doug Mastriano, the Republican running for governor. “I’ve been in business since 1974,” the owner told PennLive’s John Luciew. “I have seen a whole lot of ups and downs in the country. But never quite like this. This is really bad. Prices are out of hand. And everything, the way it’s being handled by the current administration, it’s upside down.” Meantime, Democrats’ energy messaging doesn’t play well in Pennsylvania, where more than half of state households use natural gas for heating fuel and where polling shows voters in both parties believe domestic gas and oil production helps lower costs.


…but, then again, who doesn’t this affect? Only everyone who has to fill a gas tank, or heat their house, or buy food that gets trucked to a store or barged down a river…the man is hopeless.

Anyone who votes for him and his regime enablers is hopeless.

Call me crazy, but I have half a wild idea spinning in my brain housing group that just won’t stop banging up against my skull. Bear with me for a moment and tell me if there isn’t the slightest chance this could be true, too, because dang every other conspiracy theory has come to pass.

We’ve seen major media outlets already setting the stage for what folks are calling a “25th amendment case” to remove Biden. Where his flubs and peculiarities (I’m being generous) were unmentionables or excused before, they’re a litany now in liberal media (And this is just the New York Times, but they ARE the lead cheerleader and regime/DNC mouthpiece).

But it also seems there’s more to ping on, and this is where my own conjecture comes in. Biden spent the vast majority of these past two years hiding or in Delaware. He was always tightly scripted, tightly controlled, and rarely allowed to wander off both stages and teleprompter. How long was it between press conferences? Hundreds of days. In a year and a half, he only did 23 press interviews (Or was only allowed to do 23.). So, why, suddenly, have they taken the fetters off?


Again, call me crazy, but I think they’ve written off this mid-term disaster completely, and they’ve turned him loose to write his own case against himself. Every last verbal tick, twitch, and tantrum is going in the “He’s lost it” evidence locker, to be used when they move to remove him. Would anyone rationally say something so completely detrimental to their party’s nationwide re-election hopes four days before a crucial, hanging-by-a-thread election? Less mind repeating the offense two days later?

No. He’s out of his ever-loving mind.


The next couple of weeks will tell.

If the French Lady is brave enough to come out in front of the White House press corps for a minute or two – and this is so horrific a misstep, she dang near is compelled to – the moonwalking she will have to do trying to make Biden’s bald assertion palatable in some fashion should be epic. Like a bandaid for a gaping chest wound, I don’t see her managing a cover.

As for Biden, he’s covered his energy war pretty thoroughly and it’s as plain as a pie chart – he wants it all torn down. I hope waffling fools who couldn’t bring themselves to vote against him have a sudden “Come to Jesus” moment that, yes – this fellow really means it. He wants us in as cold and dark a winter as the place between his ears, and he’s not afraid to tell you. He’s proud of the power he wields to make it happen.


We’re headed for an abysmal, quite possibly frightening winter, regardless of what happens tomorrow BECAUSE of Joe Biden and Democrats. Tomorrow determines if we can avoid a future of it.

God willing it’s an epic blow-out.

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