In an interview on Fox News, Sarah Palin said she thinks the president’s comments about Trayvon Martin were orchestrated, according to a report by Todd Starnes.
She … called out President Obama – saying he should not have jumped into the growing outrage over the shooting.
“I think it was orchestrated,” Palin said. “I’m going to get clobbered for even suggesting this, but it is what I believe.”
The president addressed the shooting in the Rose Garden.
“My main message is to the parents of Trayvon Martin. You know, if I had a son, he’d look like Trayvon,” Obama said. “All of us as Americans are going to take this with the seriousness it deserves.”
“Obviously, this is a tragedy. I can only imagine what these parents are going through,” Obama said. “All of us have to do some soul searching to figure out how something like this has happened.
Palin said she was “very, very surprised out of all the issues that are going on in our country today that the president” would have taken a question about the Martin case.
She said the politicization of the shooting is unfair to Martin’s parents.
Certainly, the president would not have had to weigh in on the case and he shouldn’t have said anything that could even slightly be construed to suggest he was taking sides in the matter. The president probably helped himself politically with his remarks — they were much lauded afterward as illustrative of the “power of the personal” — but he didn’t help to ensure a calm public opinion climate, which is needed so the appropriate people can pursue the appropriate investigation into the facts of the case. Given that the president did weigh in, his subsequent silence is especially notable. As the public controversy surrounding the case continues to intensify, why hasn’t he chosen to diffuse it? Notable, too, is his silence on another recent shooting in which race potentially played a part.
It all matters because outrage, once manufactured, is very hard to tamp down, whereas it’s not at all difficult to whip up when the facts of a case warrant it. In this case, long before we knew all the details, the president was telling us to search our souls. Research by Wilson Perkins Allen Public Opinion suggests that initial media coverage of the incident clearly biased the way Americans view the issue. Those who have seen the most information about the incident have the most antagonistic attitudes toward George Zimmerman. By the same token, the last few days have moved public opinion significantly in favor of Zimmerman. A young boy is dead and another man’s reputation is on the line. Public officials owe it to both Trayvon Martin and George Zimmerman to let the investigation play out with as little disturbance as possible. Both sides are shouting about how despicable it is to politicize this — but they won’t stop. Infuriating.
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