Video: Obama tired of doing his job

If he’s really so tired of it, why is he running for reelection? Via Greg Hengler at

Don’t get me wrong. After a while, you do begin to feel a bit cooped up in Washington D.C. And I think it’s safe to say President Obama is not the only person who is tired of the debt and deficit negotiations. But is it just me, or did he sign up for this? After the Senate voted down his budget 97-0, he could have presented another one. If he didn’t want to have to do the work himself, he could have demanded the Senate do its duty and produce its own budget. A budget might have averted these last-minute negotiations altogether.


Plus, I think I vaguely recall that BHO has taken more than his fair share of vacations …

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Ed Morrissey 10:00 PM | September 06, 2024