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Lois Lerner
Jonathan Chait: IRS targeting of Tea Party groups was 'imaginary'
John Sexton
8:30 PM | April 30, 2022
Politico: Biden's big bipartisan-unity hope was ... expanding the IRS?
Ed Morrissey
10:40 AM | May 24, 2021
Senate Dems to IRS: Strip the NRA of tax-exempt status
Ed Morrissey
8:01 PM | October 02, 2019
True the Vote to Trump's DOJ: "We will not be silenced"
Karen Townsend
9:21 AM | March 30, 2018
Powerless In California
When Your Little Ohio Town Becomes Port Au Prince and No One Cares UPDATE
'He's Not Getting the Message': Justin Trudeau Is Turning Into Canada's Joe Biden
Kamala Harris Is Slip Slidin' Away
Pro-Israel group gets apology in "final" IRS anti-conservative targeting scandal
Jazz Shaw
9:21 AM | February 05, 2018
Lois Lerner: Save me from those crazed taxpayers!
Jazz Shaw
10:41 AM | November 20, 2017
Trump administration settles with Tea Party groups over IRS scrutiny
John Sexton
5:21 PM | October 26, 2017
Lois Lerner: Free as a bird... for now
Jazz Shaw
11:31 AM | September 09, 2017
The IRS chief's meeting with the Judiciary Committee didn't go particularly well
Jazz Shaw
12:01 PM | September 22, 2016
Hillary: Can you imagine electing a vindictive man who might ... send the IRS after his critics?
4:01 PM | July 13, 2016
Documents suggest Lois Lerner's hand over of tax information to DOJ violated the law
John Sexton
10:01 PM | June 29, 2016
IRS filing: We targeted 426 organizations, not 298
Ed Morrissey
2:31 PM | June 06, 2016
Lynch: Lois Lerner was protected by prosecutorial discretion
Jazz Shaw
7:21 PM | November 18, 2015
Tim Scott suggests we might repair the IRS by getting the unions out of there
Jazz Shaw
10:41 AM | November 09, 2015
BOOM. House files resolution to impeach current IRS Commissioner
Jazz Shaw
5:21 PM | October 27, 2015
Judge to IRS: turn over the White House email information
Jazz Shaw
2:01 PM | August 31, 2015
IRS: Lois Lerner had another private e-mail account used for official business ... as "Toby Miles"
Ed Morrissey
12:01 PM | August 25, 2015
Emails reveal Lerner considered targeting... Bristol Palin
Jazz Shaw
10:41 AM | August 06, 2015
WSJ: Lerner-John Doe link shows "common cause" for progressive squelching of speech
Ed Morrissey
1:01 PM | July 11, 2015
TIGTA: Lerner hard-drive crash likely due to "an impact of some sort"
Ed Morrissey
6:01 PM | June 25, 2015
Good news: IRS says hackers stole tax info on 100K Americans
Mary Katharine Ham
9:31 PM | May 26, 2015
6,500 Lois Lerner emails recovered from backup tapes
Jazz Shaw
8:01 AM | April 29, 2015
Judge orders IRS to release list of targeted conservative nonprofit groups
Jazz Shaw
4:01 PM | April 04, 2015
Lerner and Menendez: A curious contrast from the DoJ
Ed Morrissey
5:21 PM | April 02, 2015
Shocking news of the day: DOJ won’t prosecute Lois Lerner
Noah Rothman
8:41 PM | April 01, 2015
Treasury IG: New Lerner e-mails shows "potential criminal activity"
Ed Morrissey
10:01 AM | February 27, 2015
All’s forgiven: IRS re-hires hundreds of employees fired for cause, including tax cheats
Noah Rothman
12:01 PM | February 06, 2015
New Lois Lerner emails indicate Obama’s DOJ involved in IRS targeting scandal
Noah Rothman
3:21 PM | December 11, 2014
IRS holding "thousands" of requests by White House for tax documents Update: Congress already knew?
Jazz Shaw
9:01 AM | December 03, 2014
Who will crowdsource the Lois Lerner e-mails?
Jazz Shaw
10:01 PM | November 25, 2014
The ultimate Friday document dump? 30,000 Lerner e-mails magically appear
Jazz Shaw
4:01 PM | November 22, 2014
IRS letter to Shaheen confirms intent to pursue 501(c)(4) questions
Ed Morrissey
9:01 AM | November 04, 2014
Lerner speaks! (To Politico)
Ed Morrissey
9:21 AM | September 22, 2014
GOP unearths "please delete e-mail" directive from Obama health official post-launch
Mary Katharine Ham
8:01 PM | August 15, 2014
Judge orders IRS to come up with better explanation of missing Lerner e-mails
Ed Morrissey
1:21 PM | August 15, 2014
Media reacts to Lois Lerner's new email: 'Hard to argue' no political bias there
Noah Rothman
9:21 AM | July 31, 2014
"A**holes": Turns out Lois Lerner's not a fan of conservative talk radio or its listeners
12:01 PM | July 30, 2014
IRS IT officials testify in court that Lois Lerner's emails may still exist
Noah Rothman
9:21 AM | July 25, 2014
Ways and Means Committee: We've learned that Lois Lerner's hard drive was scratched -- but data was recoverable
6:01 PM | July 22, 2014
IRS lawyer: By the way, the hard drives of some other employees who dealt with Lois Lerner also crashed
2:41 PM | July 21, 2014
Huh: DOJ investigating the strange case of Lois Lerner's missing e-mails
6:01 PM | July 16, 2014
House GOP votes to gut IRS budget
Noah Rothman
5:21 PM | July 15, 2014
The Lerner Files: "smidgens upon smidgens" of corruption
Jazz Shaw
12:31 PM | July 13, 2014
Federal judge to IRS: Explain these "lost" e-mails, please ... under oath
Ed Morrissey
8:01 AM | July 11, 2014
IRS employee suspended for urging taxpayers to 'reelect President Obama'
Noah Rothman
3:21 PM | July 10, 2014
Lois Lerner's attorney backtracks: Okay, maybe she printed out 'some' emails
Noah Rothman
4:41 PM | July 09, 2014
Curious: Lois Lerner discussed new IRS 'scrutiny' guidelines same month her emails disappeared
Noah Rothman
5:21 PM | July 01, 2014
'Phony scandals' and an election year 'demon': Lois Lerner's unconvincing defenders
Noah Rothman
12:31 PM | June 29, 2014
NY Times investigation reveals NY Times did fine on IRS coverage
Jazz Shaw
7:01 PM | June 28, 2014
Ted Cruz: If Holder won't appoint a special prosecutor for the IRS scandal, he should be impeached
6:01 PM | June 26, 2014