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HHS Contraception mandate
Becerra BS: I've never sued any nuns, you know
Ed Morrissey
5:01 PM | February 24, 2021
Dolan to Dems: Why have you forsaken us Catholics?
Ed Morrissey
2:31 PM | March 24, 2018
Contraception mandate battles over? DoJ settles with scores of plaintiffs
Ed Morrissey
5:31 PM | October 17, 2017
Finally? WH to "sharply limit" HHS contraception mandate
Ed Morrissey
12:01 PM | October 06, 2017
Wowsahs: Elon and the DOGErs Formally Introduce Themselves
'This is War': Trump Takes an Axe to Government Unions
German 'Democracy' Update: Time to Tighten Their Grip
The Funniest DEI Scam
Little Sisters of the Poor attorneys still asking: Why hasn't Trump DoJ conceded on HHS contraception mandate?
Ed Morrissey
6:41 PM | August 25, 2017
Finally: HHS proposes rule change to end contraception mandate
Ed Morrissey
12:01 PM | May 30, 2017
New EO on religious liberty takes aim at HHS, Johnson amendment
Ed Morrissey
8:41 AM | May 04, 2017
Another pro-life win: Trump appoints Yoest to top HHS post
Ed Morrissey
6:41 PM | April 28, 2017
Trump DoJ still pursuing lawsuits against Little Sisters of the Poor et al?
Ed Morrissey
12:01 PM | April 26, 2017
(Slow) business as usual: Price wins confirmation on party-line vote
Ed Morrissey
8:41 AM | February 10, 2017
USCCB president: Catholic voters should reflect on religious liberty -- and attempts to interfere with the Church
Ed Morrissey
12:01 PM | October 19, 2016
Breaking: SCOTUS punt on Little Sisters et al ObamaCare contraception mandate case?
Ed Morrissey
11:21 AM | May 16, 2016
10th Circuit to Little Sisters of the Poor: Comply with contraception mandate
Ed Morrissey
2:01 PM | July 14, 2015
SCOTUS throws out Notre Dame contraception mandate ruling
Jazz Shaw
12:41 PM | March 09, 2015
Politico: Pope Francis dampened US bishops' efforts in midterms
Ed Morrissey
9:31 AM | December 01, 2014
Politico: ObamaCare still not a boon for Democrats at the polls
Ed Morrissey
9:21 PM | October 30, 2014
Pew: Americans want more religion in their politics
Ed Morrissey
9:01 PM | September 24, 2014
Pitiful. Democrats supported OTC birth control until it was inconvenient
Jazz Shaw
8:31 AM | September 13, 2014
Video: 250,000 Virginians can't keep their plans in 2015
Ed Morrissey
4:01 PM | September 11, 2014
Friday night document dump: Yet another "accommodation" on HHS mandate
Ed Morrissey
11:31 AM | August 23, 2014
Pelosi's office retreats on Hobby Lobby "ban" claim
Ed Morrissey
11:31 AM | July 12, 2014
New Economist/YouGov poll shows Hobby Lobby impact on Supreme Court approval
Ed Morrissey
12:41 PM | July 11, 2014
Democrats plan on making Hobby Lobby their midterm message
Ed Morrissey
12:41 PM | July 10, 2014
NOW's Dirty Little Sisters
Ed Morrissey
12:01 PM | July 08, 2014
Obama administration looking for Plan B for, er, Plan B after Hobby Lobby
Ed Morrissey
1:01 PM | July 05, 2014
Fireworks at Supreme Court over emergency injunction applied against "accommodation"
Ed Morrissey
9:02 AM | July 04, 2014
Supreme Court lets stand several rulings blocking enforcement of HHS mandate
Ed Morrissey
8:01 AM | July 02, 2014
EWTN gets last-minute stay on HHS mandate after Hobby Lobby decision
Ed Morrissey
10:01 AM | July 01, 2014
Hobby Lobby attorney: We'd be thrilled to stay out of employees' birth-control choices
Ed Morrissey
12:01 PM | June 30, 2014
Open thread: SCOTUSocalypse Monday with Hobby Lobby, Harris v Quinn; Update: Harris first, unions lose 5-4; Update: Hobby Lobby wins, 5-4
Ed Morrissey
9:51 AM | June 30, 2014
HHS loses injunction argument in Oklahoma mandate case
Ed Morrissey
1:01 PM | June 07, 2014
Dolan: Hobby Lobby owners are "true Americans"
Ed Morrissey
4:01 PM | April 21, 2014