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flip flop
Kamala's Latest Flip-Flop. Plastic Straw Ban
Jazz Shaw
1:00 PM | September 07, 2024
Axios: Gee, Mainstream Media Sure Isn't Demanding Answers from Kamala, Huh?
Ed Morrissey
4:40 PM | September 06, 2024
New Trump Ad: 'My Values Have Not Changed'
Ed Morrissey
2:00 PM | August 30, 2024
Beto to Texans: Hell no, I'm not taking away your guns ... now
Ed Morrissey
6:01 PM | February 10, 2022
Wowsahs: Elon and the DOGErs Formally Introduce Themselves
Ezra Klein to Gov. Newsom: Why is It So Much Harder to Build in California Than in Texas?
Watch Jon Stewart's Mind Blown By Ezra Klein Describing How Government Really Works
Just Stop Oil Just Stopped Oil in Great Britain
Warnock: Who, me? I've always supported voter ID
Jazz Shaw
10:01 AM | June 22, 2021
New York City flip-flops on closing Trump-operated skating rinks
Jazz Shaw
4:31 PM | February 22, 2021
Flip-flop: Washington-area man suddenly very concerned over lunch status with China
Ed Morrissey
2:36 PM | February 11, 2021
Flashback: When Joe Biden said only dictators legislate via executive orders
Jazz Shaw
9:40 AM | January 27, 2021
Biden: Oh, never mind about that national mask mandate too
Jazz Shaw
2:31 PM | September 09, 2020
Your new anti-drilling champion... Donald J. Trump?
Jazz Shaw
12:31 PM | September 09, 2020
Harris flip-flops: Never mind my "false choice" claim last year, let's not ban fracking after all
Ed Morrissey
12:31 PM | September 07, 2020
Biden: Fracking ban? What fracking ban?
Ed Morrissey
2:01 PM | July 10, 2020
Heh: Plurality of Dem voters say Biden's Hyde amendment flip-flop makes them ... more likely to vote for him
6:01 PM | June 11, 2019
Another interview with a Biden advisor about his Hyde Amendment flip-flop doesn't go so well
7:21 PM | June 07, 2019
Biden "evolution": He's now for the Hyde Amendment after being against it after being for it
Ed Morrissey
10:41 AM | June 05, 2019
Gillibrand: Forgive my youthful indiscretion on, er, enforcing immigration laws
Ed Morrissey
8:41 PM | April 10, 2019
Kamala Harris is having trouble outrunning her past policy positions
Jazz Shaw
10:41 AM | March 07, 2019
One thing Gillibrand doesn't flip-flop on is her flip-flopping
Jazz Shaw
9:21 AM | March 07, 2019
Why I drink: My record certainly doesn't show much flip-flopping, says ... Kirsten Gillibrand
8:41 PM | March 04, 2019
Gillibrand continues flip-flopping her way toward the nomination
Jazz Shaw
10:41 AM | January 17, 2019
One Democrat's unremarkable flip-flop on a national gun registry
Jazz Shaw
10:41 AM | August 30, 2018
Why the liberal media suddenly loves Mitt Romney
Jazz Shaw
10:31 AM | December 30, 2017
Judges award Bill de Blasio perfect score on parade flip-flop
Jazz Shaw
8:01 AM | June 06, 2017
The WaPo's inventive flip-flop on suppressors
Jazz Shaw
5:31 PM | June 03, 2017
Cuomo to Trump campaign manager: How is Trump's new immigration position different than Rubio's?
Ed Morrissey
2:01 PM | August 25, 2016
Does Tim Kaine support Right to Work? Depends when you ask him
Jazz Shaw
2:31 PM | August 06, 2016
Trump on tax cuts for the rich in his tax plan: “I am not necessarily a huge fan of that”
8:01 PM | May 05, 2016
Deutsch: I can't believe I'm gonna say it out loud. I think Trump can win the whole thing.
Jazz Shaw
8:01 AM | April 22, 2016
Hillary Clinton's flip flopping has now reached epic proportions
Jazz Shaw
12:01 PM | April 15, 2016
Trump: We'll need tens of thousands of boots on the ground to crush ISIS
Ed Morrissey
10:41 AM | March 11, 2016
It's come to this: Jeb "Act of Love" Bush hits Marco Rubio on ... "amnesty"
9:21 PM | January 11, 2016
Video: New Hillary ad demands more gun control
Ed Morrissey
12:41 PM | November 03, 2015
Hillary Clinton accused of flip flopping, waffling, by... Eliot Spitzer
Jazz Shaw
8:31 AM | October 31, 2015
McCaskill: How dare you criticize Hillary for claiming TPP as an achievement and then opposing it!
Ed Morrissey
10:01 PM | October 08, 2015
Team Hillary: It's the media's fault that Hillary's position changed on same-sex marriage
Ed Morrissey
6:41 PM | April 21, 2015
Of course: 2014 Obama's position on Ex-Im Bank is the opposite of 2008 Obama's
Mary Katharine Ham
7:21 PM | August 01, 2014