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Ferguson Effect
'Hands Up, Don't Shoot': The 10th Anniversary of Michael Brown's Death
John Sexton
3:20 PM | August 09, 2024
San Francisco has 45 traffic cops who issue an average of just 10 tickets a day in total
John Sexton
7:31 PM | August 18, 2022
Atlantic: Shutting down courts may help explain the spike in crime
John Sexton
3:30 PM | July 19, 2022
What's to blame for the murder spike? Nikole Hannah-Jones has thoughts
John Sexton
8:30 PM | October 02, 2021
Double Down, Dudes: Dems Willing to Shut Gov Down to Save Fraud and Abuse From Trump
The Consumer Finance Protection Bureau Just Got Rocked by Vought
Lawfare's Last Gasp: The 'Emergency Docket' TROs
Newsom and Bass Sit on Thrones of Lies - We Knew That But Did California?
Philadelphia as a case study in the wave of shootings nationwide
John Sexton
8:40 PM | July 30, 2021
Amid rising crime, police are 'very nervous' about being proactive on the streets
John Sexton
1:00 PM | June 23, 2021
Andrew Sullivan: What if BLM's success creates a trade-off?
John Sexton
7:00 PM | June 12, 2021
NY Times: Violent crime is a real problem for 'defund the police' activists
John Sexton
1:00 PM | May 24, 2021
Vox: BLM protests lead to fewer police shootings but also correlate with increased homicide rates
John Sexton
3:00 PM | April 21, 2021
2020 saw a spike in violent crime and gun sales. Are they connected?
John Sexton
6:00 PM | January 18, 2021
Ferguson Effect: Crime data shows rise in violent crime in U.S. cities
John Sexton
3:01 PM | August 12, 2020
Baltimore pastor on the city's homicide rate: We need police to come back
John Sexton
8:01 PM | December 31, 2017
That FBI report is making the Ferguson Effect hard to ignore
Jazz Shaw
2:41 PM | October 02, 2017
FBI report highlights 'de-policing' in response to anti-police attitudes, media scrutiny
John Sexton
8:41 PM | May 05, 2017
Arrests are down in Los Angeles and across California (Is the Ferguson Effect responsible?)
John Sexton
8:31 PM | April 01, 2017
Survey: Police feel their jobs have become harder, more dangerous
Jazz Shaw
10:41 AM | January 12, 2017
Homicide rate is up in 16 of 20 large American cities
John Sexton
9:01 PM | December 22, 2016
Dem talking point about violent crime rates still falling... yeah. That's not true either
Jazz Shaw
4:41 PM | September 26, 2016
Will 1,000 new cops solve Chicago's problems?
Jazz Shaw
12:31 PM | September 21, 2016
NY Times: Murder rates rose in 25% of largest U.S. cities
John Sexton
5:21 PM | September 09, 2016
Heather Mac Donald on the Ferguson Effect
John Sexton
4:01 PM | June 20, 2016
Justice Department posits some sort of reverse Ferguson Effect
Jazz Shaw
8:01 AM | June 16, 2016
Holder: We owe Snowden a debt of gratitude for his "public service" ... and a jail term
Ed Morrissey
11:01 AM | May 30, 2016
San Francisco Mayor fires Chief of Police after officer involved shooting
Jazz Shaw
11:01 AM | May 22, 2016
Crime researcher reverses course, Ferguson Effect now 'leading hypothesis'
John Sexton
3:31 PM | May 15, 2016
James Comey jumps back into the debate over the Ferguson Effect
Jazz Shaw
10:41 AM | May 12, 2016
Guess which three cities account for a two year spike in murder rates?
Jazz Shaw
10:01 AM | April 25, 2016
Not so Minnesota Nice: Minneapolis shootings up 85% over 2015
Jazz Shaw
6:41 PM | April 19, 2016
The Ferguson Effect hits a mall in Kentucky
Jazz Shaw
3:31 PM | January 03, 2016
Supremes nix lawsuit against Texas cop who shot criminal in high speed chase
Jazz Shaw
4:41 PM | November 09, 2015