Results for: judge Kyle Duncan

There is Always More to Lose in the Battle for Free Speech
– For instance, when 5th Circuit Judge Stuart Kyle Duncan was heckled and shouted down at Stanford, the initial response was exactly … DEI dean Tirien Steinbach gave a prepared speech essentially suggesting that whatever Duncan had to say wasn’t worth the pain it might … Despite a silent protest by students in her own classroom, she eventually released a lengthy letter apologizing to Judge Duncan and…
Stanford Law Appoints Student Who Helped Silence Judge to Help in Hiring Next Law School Dean…silence-judge-to-help-in-hiring-next-law-school-dean-n589004
– Remember back in March when Judge Kyle Duncan was shouted down and driven out of finishing a speech at Stanford Law School? … OutLaw, the LGBT student group that led efforts in March to disrupt a Federalist Society event featuring Fifth Circuit appellate judgeKyle Duncan
Fifth Circuit to inmate: Don't hand us no lines and keep your faers to faerself
– On a 2-1 decision, Judge Stuart Kyle Duncan went at more length to make clear that the normal application of English pronouns would … However, ‘[n]one has adopted the practice as a matter of binding precedent,” Duncan points out, “and none has purported to obligate … Not to fellow jurist Judge James L. Dennis, who blasts the decision not to use the inmate’s preferred pronouns.…
SCOTUS, here we come: Fifth Circuit reinstates Texas order making abortion "non-essential" in pandemic…s-texas-order-making-abortion-non-essential-pandemic-n312314
– In a split ruling Tuesday, two federal judges — Judge Kyle Duncan and Judge Jennifer Walker Elrod — ruled the directive was constitutional … Duncan and Judge Elrod wrote. … At issue, Duncan and Elrod write, is the kind of emergency authority allowed by the Supreme Court under the 1905 decision in Jacobson…
1998 police report: Witness claimed Beto O'Rourke tried to leave the scene of his DWI accident…orourke-tried-to-leave-the-scene-of-his-dwi-accident-n262176
Kyle Smith of NRO says Beto’s dunzo: I mean, if you're a Texan, you spend A LOT of time driving around thinking about just this kind … — Kyle Smith (@rkylesmith) August 31, 2018 I find the idea of any political career being ended by scandal instantaneously in … Duncan Hunter is under federal indictment and led by nearly 10 points in a poll taken *after* the indictment was announced, for fark…
More on the Stanford Law School mess: Is the juice worth the squeeze? (Update: An apology)
– Very briefly, Judge Kyle Duncan of the Fifth Circuit was invited to speak at Stanford Law School by the school’s chapter of the Federalist … Judge Duncan tried again to give his speech but the hecklers wouldn’t let him. … dean who gave a prepared lecture before allowing Judge Duncan to speak).…
Heckler's Veto: Judge shouted down at Stanford law school with help from Dean of DEI (Update)…wn-at-stanford-law-school-with-help-from-dean-of-dei-n536154
– The Stanford Federalist Society invited 5th Circuit Judge Stuart Kyle Duncan to speak on campus yesterday on the topic “The Fifth … Appalling behavior from Stanford Dean of DEI, berating Judge Kyle Duncan before his invited lecture at Stanford Law School. … Circuit Judge Stuart Kyle Duncan was disrupted last night,2 with at least one report that his remarks ended some 40 minutes earlier…
Judge Duncan describes his 'struggle session' at Stanford Law
– Today the Wall Street Journal published Judge Stuart Kyle Duncan’s firsthand account of what he experienced at Stanford Law School … In his account, Judge Duncan explains the hostility started before he even entered the building. … That was followed by a Q&A which was just more heckling and disruption until Judge Duncan was finally escorted out by two US Marshals…
It gets worse and worse at Stanford
– In the wake of Stanford’s weak, almost pointless apology to Judge Duncan after the shameful fiasco Stanford administrators abetted … Even worse, the participation of Stanford’s DEI Dean in haranguing the judge should have gotten her immediately fired. … Kyle Duncan, whom the activists shouted down last week.…
Stanford students protest law school dean for apologizing to Judge Duncan
– Aaron Sibarium has been covering the Stanford Law School deplatforming of Judge Kyle Duncan closely and today he has another scoop … Duncan.  … The signs and silent protest outside the room would have been perfectly fine as a response to Judge Duncan.…
Slate: Judge Duncan's treatment at Stanford was all part of his dastardly plan…tment-at-stanford-was-all-part-of-his-dastardly-plan-n536807
Judge Stuart Kyle Duncan went to Stanford Law School looking for a fight, and he got one. … There’s no doubt that Judge Duncan gave as good as he got. … Eventually, Judge Duncan asked for an administrator to help him restore order.…
Even more Stanford absurdity
– I wrote earlier today about the weak non-apology apology the president of Stanford and the Dean of its law school wrote to Judge DuncanDuncan to speak: Hours after Stanford University apologized to Fifth Circuit appellate judge Kyle Duncan for the disruption of … Duncan are normalized on our campus,” the guild’s email read.…
"DEI denial" is equivalent to lynching: Boston Globe
– Students from Stanford University recently protested the speaking appearance of Fifth Circuit Appellate Court Judge Kyle Duncan. … Appointed to the court in 2017 by then-President Donald Trump, Duncan is a member of the Federalist Society and has spent his career … Stanford’s Associate Dean of DEI, Tirien Steinbach, protested along with the students, telling Duncan in front of the packed auditorium…
Stanford DEI dean: We have to start listening! (To me)
Duncan, “Is the juice worth the squeeze?” … Judge Kyle Duncan had been invited to a law school to discuss his view of jurisprudence — a rather mundane and almost routine type … Duncan didn’t just show up on campus with a bullhorn and a soapbox, after all.…
Dershowitz: A Communist front group ran the Stanford Law protest (updated)
– : It turns out that the disruption by several dozen Stanford University law school students of a speech to be given by federal judgeKyle Duncan was not a spontaneous exercise of freedom to protest. … Its board members, which helped organize the protest, praised “every single person” who disrupted Duncan, characterizing the protesters…
Ron Klain retweet appears in 5th Circuit Court's ruling against Biden's vaccine mandate…circuit-courts-ruling-against-bidens-vaccine-mandate-n428985
– Circuit Judge Kurt Engelhardt wrote the opinion for the three-judge panel. … “A stay is firmly in the public interest,” wrote Judge Kurt Engelhardt, an appointee of former President Donald Trump. … His opinion was joined by Judges Stuart Kyle Duncan, also a Trump appointee, and Edith Jones, put on the court by former President…
Stanford DEI Dean who sided with student protesters resigns
– Back in March she helped students berate Judge Stuart Kyle Duncan. Yesterday she announced she was resigning. … Later, Judge Duncan gave several interviews and didn’t hold back. … She also apologized to Judge Duncan.…
Grassley to Dems: Bye bye, blue slips
– David Stras and Kyle Duncan, come on down. … : Grassley announced on Thursday that he has scheduled Nov. 29 hearings for David Stras, Trump’s nomination to be an appellate judge … on the 8th Circuit, and for Kyle Duncan, nominated to serve the 5th Circuit.…