Results for: "Brian Williams"

Obamateurism of the Day
– In August 2010, Obama told NBC’s Brian Williams that he’d have a plan just as soon as he got back to work: BRIAN WILLIAMS: Let…
Video: Was the NBC/Politico debate fair to the Republican candidates?
– However, John Harris and Brian Williams kept framing the questions with long lead-ins with unsourced statistical data that were cherry-picked…
Video: Newt wins the debate ... against the moderators
– Greg Hengler brings us the clip from last night’s debate where Gingrich rips into NBC’s Brian Williams and Politico’s John Harris for … That answer came quickly when Brian Williams turned the first two questions — directed to Rick Perry and Mitt Romney — into six or … It was as if Brian Williams and company were looking for the candidates to apologize for being conservatives.…
Is NBC News pushing away MSNBC?
– When Ed Schultz and his union income gets promoted on the same level and the same platform as network anchor Brian Williams and the…
Romney calls Brian Williams a boring white guy
– All right, I criticized Romney last night for his Olympics answer, but he deserves kudos for this moment. Add a bit of this lighter touch to his slight Olympics critique (which wasn’t inaccurate, just clumsy), and he would have been totally fine. Enjoy! Visit for...
Video: London mayor swipes at Romney at Olympics rally for criticizing UK's preparation…y-in-front-of-crowd-for-criticizing-uks-olympic-prep-n200188
– And yet, somehow, when Brian Williams tossed him a softball about whether British preparations looked okay, the executive/consultant…
Romney: The US doesn't need stricter gun laws
– I think the liberal-leaning outlets are trying to draw attention to the section of the interview in which Mitt Romney tells Brian Williams … bad thing doesn’t always keep a person from doing a bad thing,” the presumptive Republican presidential nominee told NBC’s Brian Williams
ABC's Jake Tapper: Obama "disses White House press corps" with People, ET interviews…es-white-house-press-corps-with-people-et-interviews-n200665
– Why not arrange an interview with at least a more sympathetic member of the non-entertainment media, such as Brian Williams of NBC,…
Video: Pretty much everyone expressing dismay over White House response to world falling apart…may-over-white-house-response-to-world-falling-apart-n191343
– Barry McCaffrey wonders aloud to Brian Williams on NBC why State Department spokesperson Jen Psaki seems utterly useless and uninformed…
Chuck Todd: Hillary miniseries a "total nightmare" for NBC News
– The giant firewall to which Todd refers has enough open doorways to allow news anchor Brian Williams to make plenty of humorous cameos…
Video: Andrea Mitchell, Robert Gibbs not looking forward to Hillary hagiography, either…bs-not-looking-forward-to-hillary-hagiography-either-n208800
– Then there are the appearances by news anchors on late night shows or sitcoms or even, in Brian Williams’ case, “Saturday Night Live…
Sources: NBC worried about retaliation from Clintons over Hillary miniseries…ut-retaliation-from-clintons-over-hillary-miniseries-n209058
– thinks Hillary will soon be President Hillary and that President Hillary and her cabinet won’t be quite as eager to talk with Brian Williams
Quotes of the day
– . *** In an exclusive interview with Brian Williams on NBC Nightly News, Rice said the White House is “quite confident” that Congress…
Quotes of the day
BRIAN WILLIAMS: Good evening. The president today apologized, again, for what has become of his health care initiative.…
Large employers cite upcoming Obamacare Cadillac tax for reduced benefits…upcoming-obamacare-cadillac-tax-for-reduced-benefits-n186035
Brian Williams of the NBC Nightly News is on it, sending investigative reporters to look into the “fine print” of Obamacare.…
Maybe it’s a blessing in disguise most of the press ignored Gruber’s comments…disguise-most-of-the-press-ignored-grubers-testimony-n194789
– have heard the name Jonathan Gruber until a few weeks ago when a video emerged of him insulting their intelligence,” NBC’s Brian Williams
Did Lanny Davis confirm Cohen lied in testimony about Trump pardon?
– In that context, how ironic was it to have Brian Williams on the MSNBC breaking-news desk to handle this special report on Davis’ admission…
New Zealand's handling of mosque massacre shows why Americans are lucky
– ABC was slow to fire Brian Ross for his many failures, while Brian Williams was only demoted from NBC to MSNBC for lying.…
What will MSNBC and Rachel Maddow do without Russia bombshells?
– audiences were told the investigation had hit a “turning point,” after which Trump would either resign or be impeached, because as Brian Williams
MSNBC: "Not clear" which side we're on in Venezuela (Narrator: It's 100% clear)
– I didn’t happen to catch it myself (I was watching CNN), but the Free Beacon picked up on a segment where MSNBC hosts Brian Williams
All has been forgiven for Brian Williams at NBC
– Is Brian Williams on his way back to the big chair he surrendered to Lester Holt on Nightly News? … Brian Williams is a step farther along on the road to redemption, it seems.…
MSNBC reporter in front of burning liquor store: Protest "not generally speaking unruly"…g-liquor-store-protest-not-generally-speaking-unruly-n343378
– either: “For most of the day, today, it looked a lot calmer than yesterday looked,” Velshi began after showing his colleague Brian Williams
Scarborough: I think there's a chance Trump drops out in August
– better chance Donald Trump does not run for re-election, than he is reelected,” Carville told MSNBC’s “The 11th Hour,” hosted by Brian Williams
Presidential historian loses MSNBC gig after failing to disclose he wrote Biden's acceptance speech…gig-failing-disclose-wrote-bidens-acceptance-speech-n351877
– Biden had concluded, the anchor Brian Williams introduced Mr. … I’ll note a little irony that it is a panel with Brian Williams that put Meacham in this embarrassing position. … Brian Williams has some professional baggage himself.…
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