Results for: "Brian Williams"

For Election-Night Coverage Credibility, Amazon Choppers In ...
–  Nine years ago, NBC News anchor Brian Williams lost his gig in disgrace after his serial fabulism made its way into news reporting … I kid, I kid ... sorta:Amazon said Thursday it plans to host an election night special anchored by Brian Williams, marking the company…
Was Biden's Uncle Eaten By Cannibals?
– smart author will write an update to the Secret Life of Walter Mitty, or do a Forrest Gump-style movie featuring Joe Biden and Brian Williams
CNN facing renewed ethics scrutiny over Chris Cuomo
– She cited the example of Brian Williams who was one of the most prominent anchors at NBC News before his fall from grace.…
Hot mic cathches creepy Chris Matthews perving on Melania Trump
– The MSNBC hosts comments were heard as they overlapped with the conversation on screen between Rachel Maddow, Brian Williams and GOP…
The neoconservatives at NBC News predictably savage Obama’s approach to foreign policy… wait……ctably-savage-obamas-approach-to-foreign-policy-wait-n195604
– In the immediate wake of Obama’s State of the Union address, anchor Brian Williams and Chief Foreign Affairs Correspondent Richard … Two Japanese hostages,” Brian Williams began. “They’re asking for $200 million, or they’re going to assassinate both of them.…
Audio: Williams tells Stars & Stripes, "All we knew is we had been fired upon"…stars-stripes-all-we-knew-is-we-had-been-fired-upon-n196057
– The comeback attempt of Brian Williams started today, with an exclusive interview given to the publication that exposed his “misremembered … Brian Williams: Same reasoning in reverse. … Should Brian Williams leave the anchor chair for NBC News?…
WaPo: Williams' Katrina tales starting to sound fishy, too
Brian Williams may have taken a vacation from his job, but media analysts have worked overtime this weekend on his earlier stories … On p. 71 we find a photo of Brian Williams with some soldiers. … The caption reads: With NBC anchor Brian Williams, producer Justin Balding, and analyst General Wayne Balding, retired, aboard, Army…
Should we really be happy to see Brian Williams go?
– Tonight will not be the first time that NBC Evening News goes on the air without Brian Williams at the desk. … Brian Williams reports the news, and if he was being dishonest about his own puffed up history, it calls into question the rest of … I don’t watch the network news, so I’m not sure if I’ve actually ever seen Brian Williams reading the news.…
Quotes of the day
– … But that one incident revealed a lot to me about Brian Williams. … Brian Williams had plenty of connection to the downed helicopter. … Brian Williams is, in this sense, a perfect fit.…
Breaking: Brian Williams will step down from desk "for a few days"
– There really aren’t all that many details yet, but it sounds like Brian Williams will misremember to come to work on Monday night. … NBC Nightly News Managing Editor and anchorman Brian Williams said Saturday that he is temporarily removing himself from the network … For that matter: why isn’t Brian Williams the one interviewing the military veterans who can help him correct his faulty account?…
Williams in 2007: I looked down the tube of that RPG launcher; Update: Williams to take "next several days" off as leave of absence
– Via Ace and Twitter user Niedermeyer’s Dead Horse, yet another tale of Brian Williams’ heroism on that fateful day in Iraq in 2003 … Update: Brian Williams has decided to take “the next several days” off to let the firestorm burn itself out: In the midst of a career … Howard Kurtz has this right: In a nutshell, Brian Williams sees the story is too white-hot for him to keep anchoring right now and…
Quotes of the day
Brian Williams will be in the “Nightly News” anchor chair tonight, a source tells TVNewser, even as an internal investigation is launched … And that matters. *** I understand Brian Williams’ predicament. … My story may be minor compared to the one Brian Williams told–but that one story should not imperil his distinguished career.…
Oh my: Did NBC News manipulate original Williams report to give "under fire" impression?…iginal-williams-report-to-give-under-fire-impression-n196014
– CNN’s Jake Tapper interviewed Travis Tritten, the Stars and Stripes reporter who broke the story about Brian Williams’ false story … I want to play some of what Brian Williams reported in 2003, in which there is this moment when somebody says there was small arms … BRIAN WILLIAMS [VIDEO]: Indeed, just before we’re able to make our drop, radio traffic makes clear that this routine mission is running…
Brian Williams: Let me tell you about the time I saved a puppy from a raging house fire; Update: Or is it two puppies?…ut-the-time-i-saved-a-puppy-from-a-raging-house-fire-n196001
– Via Will Rahn and Ace, here’s NBC’s whole problem in an adorable, heartwarming nutshell. Maybe this story’s true. But at this point, without hard evidence, why on earth would you believe it? I signed up to be a volunteer firefighter in my hometown of Middletown, N.J. Fighting fires isn’t...
New Orleans paper: Say, this Williams story on Katrina really doesn't add up; Update: Pilot retracts corroboration…this-williams-story-on-katrina-really-doesnt-add-up-n195991
– The ire of Tom Brokaw may be the least of Brian Williams’ problems this morning. … above-the-fold front page story on Williams today, also taking a skeptical look at his credibility, and his explanations: For years, Brian Williams … What initially looked like an account that supported some of Brian Williams’ war story — that he came “under fire” that day — no longer…
Brian Williams may have Dan Rather, but he’s lost Tom Brokaw Update: Brokaw denies
– Following Brian Williams’ admission that a story he had been telling for years involving a helicopter in which he was riding over…
Quotes of the day
– I’ve always liked and admired Brian Williams. He was a different type of anchor, not the sonorous Voice of God of yore. … Brian Williams’ continued presence in the Nightly News anchor chair would henceforth make him the press’s poster child. … Keep Brian Williams right where he is. *** *** *** Via the Corner.…
Variety's buried lede: "Senior" NBC News execs "counseled" Williams to stop telling helicopter story…counseled-williams-to-stop-telling-helicopter-story-n195987
– The trade magazine Variety provided an interesting twist to the Brian Williams debacle earlier today, although one had to practically…
Helo-gate Day 2: Brian Williams mum on newscast as questions raised about Katrina stories…n-newscast-as-questions-raised-about-katrina-stories-n195986
Brian Williams opening: measles, hackers, storms, and learning an instrument. Nothing about how he caught an RPG with his teeth.…
Did Brian Williams lie about his Katrina experience, too?
– NBC News anchor Brian Williams is in quite a bit of trouble over his admission that his decade-long claim to have endured heavy fire…
Video: When Brian Williams and NBC Nightly News covered Hillary's "Tuzla Dash"…ams-and-nbc-nightly-news-covered-hillarys-tuzla-dash-n195974
– As Allahpundit wrote earlier, the scope of the Brian Williams fabulism scandal at NBC News requires an accurate set of data points … Update: In fact. the year before this (2007), Williams made his fable a part of a tough interview question: Brian Williams telling…
Brian Williams is an honest man, says ... Dan Rather; Update: Contradictory accounts?
– seen either Williams himself or someone in his industry whining about how mean the great unwashed of the Internet are to poor Brian Williams
Brian Williams 2013: I thought I was going to die when my chopper was fired on…ught-i-was-going-to-die-when-my-chopper-was-fired-on-n195970
– The lie seems more brazen with each telling so let’s make sure to flag all of them. Here’s a nifty catch by Chuck Ross at the Daily Caller from an interview Williams gave to Alec Baldwin two years ago in which he claimed he “briefly” thought he might die when...
Media in crisis: Can Brian Williams' career survive?; Update: "An NBC News-wide scandal"
– The startling admission yesterday by NBC News anchor and managing editor Brian Williams that he falsified a tale that he had been telling … Brian Williams just signed a contract extension, believed to be $10 million per year, and the president of the network declared, “Brian…