Winning: Mitt Romney's bracket was in 1 percent of brackets, natch

It’s no leader of the free world, but it probably is the thing President Obama cares more about losing to Mitt. Chalk one up for Willard. This is pretty amazing. Six of the Elite Eight, a perfect Final Four and championship game.


Romney Bracket

Since everyone wanted Wisconsin to win last night (and what a game!), perhaps half the country can take solace in Obama stewing over his dustbin-of-history bracket. Back in 2012, while running for president, Romney said he wasn’t “plugged in well enough” to make picks. If this is what he looks like when he decides to be plugged in, I’m now more sure he would have been a good president.

As a Durham townie and hated lifelong Dukie, I enjoyed this accurate data visualization offered by Nate Silver.

That looks right, and we revel in your hate, especially when it comes from the eminently reputable Rolling Stone.

Hard-core trolling from the man himself.

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