Gowdy: Yep, Hillary Clinton wiped her server clean after State requested her emails

Behold the most successful reset of Clinton’s career.

WASHINGTON (AP) — Hillary Rodham Clinton wiped her email server “clean,” permanently deleting all emails from it, the Republican chairman of a House committee investigating the 2012 Benghazi attacks said Friday.

Rep. Trey Gowdy, R-S.C., said the former secretary of state has failed to produce a single new document in recent weeks and has refused to relinquish her server to a third party for an independent review, as Gowdy has requested.


Hey, she’s a Clinton. She’s not a fool. #SmartCorruption

Gowdy says they’re not sure yet exactly when she unilaterally wiped her personal server, deciding what the public needed and what it didn’t, but it was after the State Department made its first, extremely late request for Clinton’s emails from her tenure. Clinton’s deliberately obtuse lawyer explained helpfully to taxpayers that it’s cool because she handed over everything work-related from her personal server, so no bigs. And, the emails are all gone anyway, so why would anyone want an independent review of a server with no emails on it? That’d be silly!

Clinton was under a subpoena order from the Select Committee on Benghazi for all documents related to the 2012 attacks on the American compound there. But David Kendall, an attorney for Clinton, said the 900 pages of emails previously provided to the panel cover its request…

Kendall also informed the committee that Clinton’s emails from her time at the State Department have been permanently erased…

“There is no basis to support the proposed third-party review of the server that hosted the [email protected] account,” Kendall wrote. “To avoid prolonging a discussion that would be academic, I have confirmed with the secretary’s IT support that no emails…..for the time period January 21, 2009 through February 1, 2013 reside on the server or on any back-up systems associated with the server.”

Kendall added, “Thus, there are no [email protected] e-mails from Secretary Clinton’s tenure as Secretary of State on the server for any review, even if such review were appropriate or legally authorized.”


From the AP, subpoena, schmubpoena:

Clinton, a likely Democratic presidential candidate, faced a Friday deadline to respond to a subpoena for emails and documents related to Libya, including the 2012 attacks in a U.S. diplomatic compound in Benghazi that killed four Americans, including the U.S. ambassador to Libya.

The Benghazi committee demanded further documents and access to the server after it was revealed that Clinton used a private email account and server during her tenure at State.

Gowdy said he will work with House leaders to consider options. Speaker John Boehner has not ruled out a vote in the full House to force Clinton to turn over the server if she declines to make it available.

The NYT naturally tells the story principally from Clinton’s lawyer’s point of view,
but adds this from Gowdy:

He said that Mrs. Clinton’s “unprecedented email arrangement with herself and her decision nearly two years after she left office to permanently delete all emails” had deprived Americans of a full record of her time in office.

Mr. Gowdy added that Mrs. Clinton would have to answer questions to Congress about her decision, but he did not say whether that would be at a hearing or a private interview.


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