Hillary fights to remain inevitable, unmolested but activists, press not moving on

In the same way the people of Israel have the temerity not to oblige the liberal sensibilities about how they should run their country and elect to lead it, some of the people of the press and activism groups insist on continuing to ask questions about Hillary. What’s more, the pesky public insists on letting this nothing of a scandal about naught other than Hillary’s wedding planning e-mails and yoga schedules change their view of her. Her negatives are jumping— a fact being confronted on MSNBC (on “Hardball,” with Kornacki sitting in):


STEVE KORNACKI: These poll numbers, she’s back to where she is was at the end of the only losing campaign in the national stage. This is having an effect.

JONATHAN CAPEHART: It is having an effect. Don’t those poll numbers reflect where the American people are on the Clintons? Either Bill Clinton or Hillary Clinton on fill in the blank — fill-in-the-blank issue? So I think the problem that the Secretary has is that the 51% thinks that she’s done something wrong, thinks she has questions to answer, and quite frankly she does. You know, Speaker Boehner calling on her to hand over the server to the Benghazi House Committee, doing the umpteenth investigation unnecessarily politicizes something.

KORNACKI: In your mind, what are the question she has to answer?

CAPEHART: One, why do you have a — why do you have a private server? Two, are we — can you please assure everyone that all of the documents that are on it that pertain to your time as Secretary of State are off that private server? I think what Speaker Boehner has done to politicize this is to attach it to the House Benghazi Committee. There have been so many investigations that have shown time and time again that nothing — none of the conspiracy theories are true.

Well, it was the Benghazi Committee that found out Hillary Clinton was using a private server and remained unencumbered by a .gov address for the entirety of her reign. Some might have called that a conspiracy theory before they found out it was true, so perhaps they aren’t the most problematic group to have in charge of investigating Clinton. That being said, though Capehart is making sure to take a shot at Boehner to please the left, here, he also calls on the show for a special committee and someone from archives to investigate her server. So, even the MSNBC crew doesn’t want it to “remain private,” as Clinton does. She’s also lost Lizz Winstead, who remarks in response to Capehart’s idea, “We can’t have a 1,746-minute gap for all of eternity.”


Meanwhile, here’s Clinton, doing her best President Obama impression by just tweeting non sequiturs and complaints about Republicans no matter how many unanswered questions remain about her own conduct.

Etcetera, etcetera.

Unfortunately for her, a coalition of transparency activist can’t let this one go. A lot of these folks are left of center, but like Lizz Winstead (and me, it’s the first time we’ve been in agreement!), they are rightly disturbed by the deliberate opacity of this type of governance and what precedent it might set:


A broad-based coalition of non-profit advocates for greater transparency and accountability in the federal asked Secretary of State John Kerry and Archivist of the United States David Fierro to make publicly available in electronic format all of Hillary Clinton’s private emails dealing with official business.

“Because it is of the utmost importance that all of former Secretary Clinton’s emails are properly preserved and transferred back to the State Department for accountability and historical record purposes, we are asking that you verify that Secretary Clinton’s emails containing federal records are transferred to the Department of State in their original electronic form, so that all such emails may be accessible pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act,” the coalition said in a letter to the officials.

The coalition includes Cause of Action, Defending Dissent Foundation, Electronic Frontier Foundation, MuckRock, National Coalition for History, National Security Archive, National Security Counselors, OpenTheGovernment.org, Pirate Times, Project on Government Oversight, Society of Professional Journalists and the Sunlight Foundation.

And, the press doesn’t trust that State is working for the public interest, but instead for the Clintons:

That will add to the not insignificant distaste a lot of the press has for her (though, of course, it is far less than they have for any run-of-the-mill Republican), and with any luck, to aggressive coverage of her and of State as this unfolds. I still don’t think this does to her nearly what it would do to a Republican, but I’m gratified that thus far she has not entirely been allowed to go back to business as usual.


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