State: Yeah, we don't know if Cuba has released the 53 prisoners we required they release

Behold, the superior negotiating powers of President Barack Obama:

State Department Spokesperson Jen Psaki repeatedly refused to answer questions this afternoon about the 53 political detainees Cuba promised to release as part of a deal with President Obama to normalize relations with the United States.

When asked about a lack of transparency in the prisoner exchange process, Psaki said, “Well, we know who’s on there. And the Cuban government knows who’s on there.” …

After Psaki stated that she had no updates to provide, a befuddled Matt Lee asked, “Hold on — hold on a second. Can we — I mean, is it — what’s happening? Are they out? Are they not out? … Where are they?”

Psaki responded, “I don’t have any more updates to provide for you, Matt.”

Lee, frustrated, followed up, “So the Cubans don’t actually have to do anything?”


At the risk of being facile, it appears as usual, that our president gave away a bunch and got just about nothing in return other than his own satisfaction. This apparent prerequisite of normalizing relations with Cuba has now become something that will “take a long time” because reversing a long-time “broken policy” doesn’t happen overnight. Except, when you negotiate to have political prisoners released, that can literally happen overnight. And should. Huzzah.

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