Another gun manufacturer announces it's leaving Colorado

If Colorado wants to be the new California, businesses will flee it, just like they do California:

HiViz Shooting Systems intends to leave Colorado in the wake of new state gun control legislation signed into law last month, according to the Northern Colorado Business Report.

The Fort Collins company, which makes sights, recoil pads and other accessories, started in 1996. But like Magpul Industries Inc. of Boulder County, HiViz said it’s not happy with the gun control measures approved by the Colorado Legislature and signed into law by Gov. John Hickenlooper. Magpul Industries announced last month it will be leaving Colorado.


The CEO’s no-brainer statement, which liberals will find indecipherable and eeeeevil:

“I make this announcement with mixed emotions,” Phillip Howe, president and CEO of HiViz, said in a statement. “Colorado is a beautiful state with great people, but we cannot in clear conscience support with our taxes a state that has proven through recent legislation a willingness to infringe upon the constitutional rights of our customer base.”

No word on where they’re moving, but it’s nearby:

Howe said he is talking with officials of an unidentified neighboring state about possible relocation. He said he expects a majority of employees will make the move.

I’m sure wooing from various states is will underway. Another sector of Colorado’s economy that’s going to take a hit? The state is a destination for hunters and fishermen on guided hunts and hikes. If the state’s background check bill makes it onerous for those expedition leaders to handle firearms, occasionally handing them off to various clients, why would they continue to do business in Colorado when they could go to nearby, beautiful, bountiful Wyoming, Nebraska, or Montana?


Incidentally, the president was in Colorado today, and good news follows him wherever he goes. Some state law enforcement protested the visit. Stay tuned to our friends at Revealing Politics for full coverage of Obama’s visit.

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