Video: 'Honor Flight' trailer

We’ve covered this moving movie project before. In August, it set the record for biggest audience for a movie screening, playing to a crowd of 28,000 at Miller Field in Milwaukee.


Now, you can get it to a theater near you. But, as with most documentaries, filmmaker Dan Hayes must rely on us to build buzz and audience for this incredible story.

First, watch the new trailer.

After you’ve stopped wiping your eyes, pass it along to your friends and family who’d like it.

Then, go to and pledge to see the movie. This will help Dan get the story of so many of the Greatest Generation into theaters, and maybe even in the Oscar running for documentaries.

My grandmother was a Navy WAVE during World War II. She served in intelligence in Washington, D.C. before marrying my granddad when he came home from his time in the European theater as a bombardier. I never got to meet him, but one of my favorite memories is when my family got to take my grandmother to the World War II Memorial, where she could see the nation’s tribute to them both. This film is the story of our citizens trying to do the same for every World War II veteran.

Take a few moments this Veterans Day to pass this trailer along and give a lift to those efforts.

Visit if you’d like to find and support an Honor Flight chapter in your state.

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