Baton Rouge Independence Day Tea Party, UDPATED

The Baton Rouge Tea Party folks did a fabulous job on the Independence Day Rally. In spite of the brain-melting heat there was a turnout of around 500 people, according to an unofficial police estimate. Meaning I asked a cop and he took a wild guess. There wasn’t a good angle to get the entire crowd, but here are a few photos so you can judge the crowd size for yourselves.  About 40 yards down from the steps was another crowd of 75-100 people in a grassy area with shade.  There were also some pretty good signs.


One of the first speakers was a woman who lived in Cuba when Castro took power. She gave a very sobering talk about parallels between what happened in Cuba and what’s happening here today. Other speakers covered cap-and-tax, health care reform (with a nice plug for Cato), and a heads up on how to get free activist training so we can be more effective rabblerousers.

The GOP was attempting to recruit and failing miserably.  What do you make of that?

Update: Shocking – or, not really so shocking, but it should be – the Baton Rouge news outlets did not report on this gathering, even though at least one station was there. As of this writing, the only news on the web for this tea party is this post.

Imagine, for a moment, 500 anti-war activists going unreported. Or 500 illegal alien advocates.  It would never happen.


Well.  They can ignore us, but we won’t go away.  To the contrary, I received an email with info for a protest in about six weeks.  I’ll be there.

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