Obama transfers 15 more detainees in continuing effort to empty Gitmo

President Obama is determined to empty the detention facility at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba despite resistance from Congress and his own Pentagon. Late Monday the administration announced the single largest transfer of detainees of Obama’s presidency with 15 terrorists heading to the United Arab Emirates.


The inmates, who included nationals from Afghanistan, Yemen and the United Arab Emirates, will be transferred to the UAE, a US State Department official told CNN.

The official added that six of the detainees had been approved for transfer back in 2009. The others had been evaluated by the inter-agency Periodic Review Board and it had been determined that their “continued detention was no longer necessary to protect against a significant continuing threat to the security of the United States.”

Rep. Ed Royce (R-CA) Chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee released a statement criticizing the move:

“In its race to close Gitmo, the Obama administration is doubling down on policies that put American lives at risk.  Once again, hardened terrorists are being released to foreign countries where they will be a threat.  Too many have already died at the hands of former detainees.  I fear we will be dealing with the consequences of this recklessness for years to come.”

In recent months, the number of Gitmo detainees who have returned to their Jihadist ways has doubled, according to a report by Obama’s own Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI). But that doesn’t seem to deter Obama’s determined effort to release as many of the captured terrorists as he possibly can before he leaves office in January.


In fact, the Wall Street Journal details how Obama, Joe Biden and John Kerry have been using their diplomatic charms (and good old fashioned American green backs) to cajole countries into taking the Jihadi scum:

In recent months, the transfers have increasingly involved Mr. Obama, Secretary of State John Kerry and Vice President Joe Biden, who at times have worked to “close the deal” with foreign leaders on resettling or repatriating detainees, officials said.

The U.S. usually pays foreign governments to monitor transferred detainees, and underwrites resettlement costs—for language instruction, vocational courses and the like—up to $100,000 each, a senior administration official said.

Officials wouldn’t discuss specific security arrangements, but people familiar with the matter said the U.S. typically conducts electronic surveillance of former detainees, while local authorities keep physical tabs on them.

One technique the administration uses to find homes for detainees involves leveraging rivalries to get countries to compete over resettling the men. It is called “keeping up with the Joneses,” a senior administration official said. Foreign governments are realizing that “if you want to get attention in the Obama administration, one way to do it is to take Guantanamo detainees,” the official said.


Hours before the release GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump vowed to keep the Gitmo facility open and said he would use ti for a more vigorous execution of the war on terror.


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