Tuesday night Donald Trump told Sean Hannity that “there can be no other interpretation” of his comments about “2nd amendment people” preventing Hillary Clinton from appointing pro-gun control judges if she is elected president other than his interpretation.
For the record: Trump says he meant the NRA and voters who care about 2nd amendment rights will be motivated and organized in November and through their votes they will prevent Clinton from becoming president.
OK… that’s fine.
But, on Hannity, he suggested that any other interpretation is just crazy talk:
“Nobody in that room thought anything other than what you just said. This is a political movement. This is a strong, powerful movement, the 2nd Amendment.
The NRA, as you know, endorsed me — they’re terrific people. Wayne (LaPierre) and Chris (Cox) and all the people over there and they tweeted out, basically they agree 100 percent with what I said. And there can be no other interpretation. Even reporters have told me. I mean, give me a break.”
Well, Speaker of the House Paul Ryan said he thought the remark was “a joke gone bad” which is a reasonable conclusion, isn’t it?
This tendency to say something as sloppy as Trump’s remark and then accuse everyone else of being evil for reaching a reasonable conclusion from his remarks is annoying and, frankly, Clinton/Obama-esque.
For instance, when the news of Obama’s $400 million ransom for Americans held hostage in Iran hit last week, the president and all his surrogates didn’t just deny that the payment was a ransom he had to go further and claim that reaching the reasonable conclusion that the cash payment was a ransom was merely a partisan attack.
When Hillary Clinton spent over a year denying any wrong-doing with regard to her unauthorized, non-secure email scheme, she accused detractors and critics of being part of a vast right-wing conspiracy out to get her.
It’s one thing to spin your remarks and do damage control when in the heat of a campaign, it’s another thing to tell everyone who disagrees with your spin that there’s something wrong with them and they’re totally out to lunch.
Thankfully, there’s a really easy way to keep this sort of thing from happening in the future: The next time Donald Trump wants to say (as running mate Mike Pence explained) that “people who cherish that right, who believe that firearms in the hands of law-abiding citizens makes our communities more safe, not less safe, should be involved in the political process and let their voice be heard,” perhaps he should use those words and not make an off-the-cuff remark like he did.
I’ve got an idea… how about the Republican nominee for president stop making remarks that need to be interpreted at all?
Kind of makes you miss the days of “binders full of women,” right?
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