Video: Anti-Trump protesters riot in New Mexico

Violent riots broke out in the streets of Albuquerque outside a Donald Trump rally last night.

Local ABC affiliate KOAC reported on the scene:

A group of about 100 protesters forced their way through police barricade and tried storming the Albuquerque convention center after Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump took stage according to our partners at the Albuquerque Journal.

There was heavy police presence at Tijeras Avenue and Third Street after the Donald Trump rally.  Police shot pepper spray at a male and one person was taken away by officers after getting into a fight. Protesters broke through barricades and threw rocks at doors.


Local reporter Gabrielle Burkhart documented what she saw in real time via Twitter:

The rioters even went after a Trump supporter who is confined to a wheelchair:


Meanwhile, just as they did during last month’s riots in California, the mainstream media are pulling out as many precious euphemisms for the riots as they bend over backwards to characterize the violence in the streets as anything but what it actually is, an out of control mob.

Here’s CNN’s contribution to the cause: (emphasis mine)

Protesters lit fires, smashed a door and threw rocks outside a Donald Trump rally Tuesday night in New Mexico — the latest scuffle to follow the presumptive Republican nominee’s campaign.


Scuffle?  Look at that paragraph again.  Arson, vandalism, violence and assault summed up by CNN with the quaint little word “scuffle.”  Just a little scuffle folks, nothing to see here:

And yes, watch that video above and you’ll see that the thugs were waving Mexican flags, but you won’t see that reported either: (screen cap)

New Mexico riots trump mexican flag

One New Mexico city official understands exactly what was at play in his city’s streets last night. Republican Dan Lewis, the President of the Albuquerque City Council issued this statement:

“The violence that we’re seeing this evening is absolutely unacceptable, and it is not the fault of Donald Trump, his campaign, or the attendees at the rally this evening.  It is directly the result of so called public interest groups, such as ProgressNM and the Southwest Organizing Project, fomenting hate.  These organizations this evening devolved from community action groups to hate groups by every usual measure.  This was not a protest – it was a riot that was the result of a mob trying to cause damage and injury to public property and innocent citizens exercising their constitutional right to peaceably assemble.”

Thank you. And the statement from local Democrats? Can’t find one.

By the way, it’s instructive to note that although the punks and thugs hurling rocks at police officers will get most of the attention today, it should be noted that the response of New Mexicans in support of Trump last night was so overwhelming that they not only filled the convention center where the rally took place, but the overflow of supporters who did not make it into the arena was larger than the crowds at most Clinton rallies:


riots trump

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