Big Democrat Donors Slam Shut Their Checkbooks Until Biden Goes

AP Photo/Evan Vucci

The big donor class in the Democrat Party is over President Biden. Unless the party convinces him to leave the presidential race, the party is going to experience a world of hurt.


That is the opinion of a former Biden supporter and Democrat campaign fundraiser, Will Pierce. He is a Daily Caller columnist now. Prominent party donors are shutting their checkbooks until Biden is dropped from the top of the ballot. Pierce predicts a potential election disaster if that doesn't happen.

Fine by me

From his appearance on Fox and Friends this morning:

 I would be in a panic mode, because this is the thing – you know, as we're going into Q3, this is make or break when it comes to fundraising for political fundraising. And now that you have these donors that are leaving, where's this money coming from? If you're Democratic staff or the Democratic committee overall, how are you going to fund not only the top of the race, but your down ticket races? It's just a very disastrous thing. And right now, the Democratic Party, instead of stepping up and saying, 'Hey, what's good for the party and for the country,' they're looking to say, 'Oh, no, let's just have Biden serve.' It's a very ridiculous moment right now. 

Supporters in Hollywood are feeling the angst

Hollywood showrunner Damon Lindelof is the latest Democratic megadonor calling on President Biden to step down, penning a piece in Deadline this week urging Democrats to "stop giving" money to a candidate that needs to drop out of the race. 

"I’ve been asleep at the wheel and it’s time to wake the f--- up," Lindelof wrote.

High-powered Hollywood agent Ari Emanuel, another party megadonor, declared "We're in f--- city" following last week's CNN Presidential Debate.

"Well, I'm pissed off at the Founding Fathers. They had the start date of 35. They just didn't give us the end date," Emanuel told the Aspen Institute's Ideas Festival last Friday.



I don't feel a bit sorry for them and how they've pissed away their money on a man who isn't doing his job now, much less being capable to do it for another four years. Joe Biden is why we have the 25th Amendment. 

These people knew how weak and infirm he is. They gave him money anyway in 2020. They have been a part of the big lie. Democrats who thought they could just throw money into campaign fundraising to keep Biden in power deserve no sympathy. They have no credibility now.

Just like the complicit media, since 2020 it's been all about keeping Trump out of the White House. Being a good steward of our country doesn't matter. It's party over country. All of these people have enabled Joe Biden to stay in power, just like his wife. Sure, Joe, run again. We'll support you.

They wouldn't be saying a peep after that disastrous debate performance if the whole world had not seen that pitiful old man standing next to Donald Trump. Trump fits the definition of the Biden enablers, not their guy, Joe - vigorous, sharp as a tack, a hard worker who works 24/7. 

Biden has confessed that he needs more sleep and can't work after 8:00 p.m. The people around him now tell us that Biden is only fit to work between the hours of 11:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. He'll take an afternoon nap if he can get it.


We live in a very dangerous world, some of it the direct result of Joe Biden's weakness on the world stage. We need a full-time president who is mentally fit to do the job. 

The big donors know Biden. They have socialized with him. He may have been juiced up on something to help him make it through events but those donors could look into his eyes and see no one was home. They could hear him speak. No one understands him and it's not just his stutter. He can't clearly communicate with people anymore.

Biden isn't just any old man, some kindly grandpa who now must relinquish his car keys. This is the president, the leader of the free world. His condition should disqualify him from serving the remainder of his term. 

I think we are entitled to know who is running the White House. Who is making important decisions and phone calls? It's not Joe Biden. 

The Democrats who claim they will vote for a comatose Biden over allowing Trump to win in November are unworthy of being Americans. The Democrat cable channel show hosts are the worst humans around. They are so Trump-deranged that they cannot be responsible in their speech. 

Country first, right? Major Democrat donors have been embarrassed into deciding to do the right thing - stop funding Joe Biden's time in office. We are in a nightmare scenario. It's a constitutional crisis of the Democrats' making. The Biden presidency has been a lie. All of it. It is time for him to go. 


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