Part Deux: Biden Campaigns in France

AP Photo/Evan Vucci

Today is a solemn day in America and France. The 80th anniversary of D-Day is worthy of all the attention it is getting. If you get through today without tears in your eyes, you are a more stoic person than I am, that's for sure. 


The stories of the soldiers who saved the world from the Nazis that day are incredible. The men were so young and so brave. They landed at Normandy and ran toward certain death. We can never fully repay that debt. God bless them and the ones who survived the war. 

Make no mistake. The trip to France is an opportunity the Biden campaign is using to insert his re-election campaign into the mix. It is nauseating but it is happening. 

Other Democrats are unable to resist politicizing D-Day, too. Hillary Clinton, for example, proves once again that she is a vile human being.

Voting is not on the level of fighting Nazis in World War II, Hillary. What is wrong with her? Donald Trump is not a Nazi, which is the implication in her tweet. Casting a vote for Biden isn't saving democracy, no matter how many times we hear that before the November election.

In contrast, here is the message from former President Donald Trump.

Let me tell you who the stars of the D-Day ceremonies and events are - it's the veterans who are being honored and it is French President Macron. Macron has been flawless in carrying out his duties as host, at least what I have seen televised. His wife is perfect, too. The Bidens? Well...


Frankly, it is embarrassing watching Joe Biden struggle through the day. Fortunately, Jilly from Philly left Hunter's trial and came to France to help Dementia Joe through it all. She has been seen guiding him, helping escort him to where he needs to go. Mostly he is his usual dazed and confused self.

His speech was used to promote his support for Ukraine in its war against Putin. Zelensky and his wife were there. Biden incorporated support for Ukraine into his pitch that democracy must be saved, despite the high cost. Or, at least that is what I think he said. 

His speech was not anything to get excited about. He got through it without a meltdown, so that's something. He seemed to follow his script pretty well. It wasn't anywhere near as good as Reagan's speech 40 years ago. 

Nonetheless, the spinners are spinning that it's all about Biden rising to the occasion and yes, saving democracy. 


Really, Tony? This is disgusting, even for you. Joe Biden never even served in the military, and he certainly isn't on the level of our heroes. Biden received student deferments instead of serving during the Vietnam War. 

Bloomberg has a piece up that states it is a perfect opportunity to present Putin and Trump as the enemies of democracy. I know. It's still Russia, Russia, Russia with Democrats. It goes back to the fact that they have little to run on. Joe Biden keeps saying he has had the most productive and successful terms in office of any president ever. Ok. So what has he done? All he does is talk about abortion and democracy. 

Biden — who has warned that Putin has grand designs on Europe — plans to meet Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy on Thursday, as world leaders gather near the beaches where allied soldiers battling Nazi Germany mounted the largest amphibious assault in history. He’ll look to link the historic backdrop to Ukraine’s current struggle to reverse Russia’s invasion.

Later, Biden is staging two events drawing implicit contrasts with Trump, who is vying to return to the White House.

On Friday, he’ll deliver a speech on democracy and freedom at Pointe du Hoc, echoing the famous election-year address by former President Ronald Reagan four decades earlier. By raising topics like the value of American allies and the need to combat tyrants, Biden can deliver a veiled critique of Trump’s leadership style and penchant for isolationism rather than explicitly campaign on foreign soil.


I told you it is nauseating. 

In an upcoming interview with CBS, Biden said he has known Putin for 40 years. Say what?

Do tell, Joe.

He may have nodded off.

Anyway, the country that leads the free world can do better. Much better. We have to because we can't survive another four years of this. 

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