Let's Call it the Payouts for Planned Parenthood Act

Alyssa Keown /The Grand Rapids Press via AP

President Biden and Democrats are running on abortion this year because it worked well for them in 2022. Somewhere along the way, contraception entered the conversation. 


Democrats are making an issue where there is none. They claim a right to contraception is endangered if Republicans win back the White House and the Senate. They link this unnecessary concern to the ruling by the Supreme Court on Dobbs. 

The right to contraception already exists under the Griswald ruling the Supreme Court handed down before Roe. This is a bogus issue meant to divide voters. Democrats have little to run on so they are making up issues. 

Senator Ed Markey (D-MA) introduced the “Right to Contraception Act” and it was voted on Wednesday. The move was meant to get Republicans on the record as voting against codifying the right to contraception in the Senate.

The unnecessary bill was mostly a sop to Planned Parenthood. Shocker, I know. The true purpose of the bill was to increase funding for Planned Parenthood, the biggest abortion provider in the United States. The bill could be called the Payouts for Planned Parenthood bill. 

It overrides conscience protections while creating a right to abortion drugs as it funnels money to Planned Parenthood. There is no need to create the right, it already exists.

The bill was going to fail all along. Democrats knew they would not get the 60 votes needed but this was meant to be a show vote. It failed on a cloture vote of 51-30, so it did not move forward. All but two Republicans voted to block it. 


The bill would have prevented states from passing laws that limit access to contraception, including hormonal birth control, intrauterine devices and it included abortion drugs. 

Senator Cruz called out Democrats for their stunt. 

“This is a show vote where Democrats are trying to distract from their radical position on abortion by conjuring a threat to contraception that doesn’t exist,” Sen. Ted Cruz told The Washington Times.

Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America President Marjorie Dannenfelser issued a statement critical of the extremism of Democrats on abortion.

“While pro-life Americans celebrate two years of lives protected in the Dobbs era this June, Senate Democrats led by Chuck Schumer are planning a month-long campaign of fearmongering and demonizing pro-life protections. The Democrats’ deceptive Payouts to Planned Parenthood Act has less to do with access to contraception than with funneling taxpayer dollars to the abortion industry and crushing dissent. Contraception is legal and available in every state and Congress funds contraception through numerous federal programs every year.

“With this bill, the devil is in the details. It requires taxpayers to bail out profit-driven abortion businesses like Planned Parenthood, where expectant mothers are sold abortions 97% of the time. It could even go so far as to create a ‘right’ to abortion drugs. It’s clear the Democrats’ priority is not helping women, but helping the abortion lobby that spends millions to get them elected.”


There is wording in the bill that supports transgender procedures, too. Opponents point out that the abortion business is big business. The transgender agenda is included as a human right in the bill. It, too, is an industry now, raking in $4.1 billion a year off of hormone procedures, sex change procedures, and surgeries. That agenda requires impressionable children and young people to expand and succeed. 

Sens. Susan Collins (R-Maine) and Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska) were the only two Republicans who voted to move the bill forward. They are both pro-abortion Republicans. 

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer changed his vote to 'No' so that he could bring the bill up for a vote in the future. Democrats want to keep the issue alive as a campaign issue. 

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