Has Trump's Veep List Shrunk to Three or Four?

AP Photo/Julia Nikhinson

The vetting process is getting underway. Team Trump has zeroed in on three or four potential running mates to fill out some paperwork, maybe more.  

Full speed ahead. The Republican convention will be held in Milwaukee, Wisconsin from July 15-18, 2024 so it's time to get busy.


To be honest, I think Trump has made up his mind but he's going through the process to make sure there won't be any surprises down the road. Also, don't look for him to make his decision known until the convention, or just before it. The former president likes a little drama. 

Trump has said in the past that he doesn't place a lot of importance on a choice of running mate. He knows that voters vote for the presidential candidate and the vice president is usually an afterthought. However, this year may be a little different. We don't know what is going to happen to Trump and his legal challenges going forward.

I would say, though, that Trump's choice will be less important than Kamala is for the Democrat ticket. Not only are Democrats stuck with Biden at this point, but they are stuck with Kamala. There is no way the Democrats would allow her to be replaced. It is hard to believe that anyone thinks Joe Biden can make it through another four years. That means President Kamala if he wins re-election.

The top four contenders being reported are North Dakota Governor Doug Burgum, and Senators J.D. Vance, Marco Rubio, and Tim Scott. It's reported that they have been sent out vetting requests. Also reported to have been sent paperwork are Reps. Byron Donalds, and Elise Stefanik, and Dr. Ben Carson.

I think Trump has been sending up trial balloons on some of them. He's being coy but he seems to be pushing Burgum and Scott forward when they show up at campaign rallies with him. Both men regularly do that. Trump places loyalty above everything else so those who showed up in Manhattan to support him during the hush money trial scored points. It seems to be that his push for Burgum is the strongest right now.


There's time before the convention next month for Trump to tease any of them as his choice. It's good to see what a deep bench there is on the Republican side. 

Trump has teased that he could reveal his running mate at the Republican convention, which will take place in Milwaukee, Wisconsin from July 15-18. The former president has praised the four frontrunners recently, telling Newsmax that all of them have been great when it comes to campaigning for him.

“I thought Tim Scott didn’t run as good of a race as he’s capable of running for himself, but as a surrogate for me, he’s unbelievable. He’s been incredible,” Trump said. “Gov. Burgum from North Dakota has been incredible. Marco Rubio has been great. J.D. Vance has been great. We’ve had so many great people out there.”

Although Rubio is considered a top tier choice for VP, he has denied hearing from the Trump campaign about being vice president, or receiving a request for vetting documents. But Rubio, along with Burgum and Vance, said he would do whatever Trump's campaign asked of him.

Rubio is usually asked about this in interviews when he appears on television. He denies that he has spoken to Trump about being his running mate. There is also the fact that both Trump and Rubio are residents of Florida. 

The campaign is cautioning about speculation. "Anyone claiming to know who or when President Trump will choose his VP is lying, unless the person is named Donald J. Trump," said Brian Hughes, a senior adviser for the Trump campaign. But, c'mon. It's fun to speculate. 


Discussions have taken place with the Rubio team about how to address the constitutional issue that may prevent residents from the same state from being on the same presidential ticket -- including the possibility of the Florida senator relocating for the role, sources said. 

I don't know but I find it hard to believe that Rubio would move in order to be Trump's running mate. YMMV. 

Ben Carson isn't being considered, I think, but Trump is friends with him. I think he'll be in Trump's cabinet. I also think that if Burgum isn't Trump's running mate, he'll be offered a cabinet position. 

That's my two cents for now. I'll continue to speculate along with everyone else because, as I said, it's fun. 

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