Iranian Women Celebrate the Death of President Raisi

Pavel Bednyakov, Sputnik, Kremlin Pool Photo via AP

The Butcher of Tehran is dead. Good riddance.

Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi, Iranian's foreign minister, Hossein Amir-Abdollahian, and others were killed in a helicopter crash Sunday. Raisi, 63, was thought to be the most likely successor to 85-year-old Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. The helicopter crashed near the Azerbaijan border in poor weather and low visibility. 


All nine bodies on board the helicopter were found Monday by search and rescue teams. The weather was described as blizzard conditions. 

There will not be any changes in the country's government, according to press reports. The Iranian government called Raisi "hard-working and tireless," and that he "sacrificed his life for the nation." I

One person's hard-working and tireless government official is another's brutal butcher of his own people. 

Funny how outlets like Reuters see the world through a different lens than others.

Some world leaders are expressing condolences. 


Good to know who is on the side of Iran, right?

The Iranians celebrated the man's death.

There were fireworks.

What makes me happiest is the celebration by Iranian women. 

Little will change in everyday life for Iranians until the Ayatollah dies. As long as the theocracy is in place, radical Islamic fundamentalism will not allow women to be free to live lives as they wish. 


Life is worse than ever for Iranian women since the death of  22-year-old Jina Mahsa Amini. The morality police are back with a vengeance since brave women began tossing aside their hijabs and cutting their hair. The Women, Life, Freedom movement was born in Iran when Amini died in jail from injuries received by morality police beatings. 

Some journalists are mourning the loss of the Iranian anti-Zionist. 

Some anti-Zionists are also lamenting over Raisi's death, as it was under his leadership that Iran supported the Hamas Palestinian militant group and the Yemeni Houthi movement, also known as Ansar Allah, in their fight against Israel, who they see as occupiers of Palestinian land.

Latin America-based journalist Benjamin Rubinstein, referred to Raisi "a hero" and said he would "pass into immortality."

Houthi senior official Mohammed Ali al-Houthi said: "Our deepest condolences to the Iranian people and the Iranian leadership. The Iranian people will continue to have leaders loyal to their people."

Similarly, Hamas said: "We are confident that the Islamic Republic of Iran will be able—with the help of Allah—to overcome the consequences of this great loss, as the dear Iranian people have strong institutions capable of dealing with this severe ordeal."


I wonder how many of the useful idiots on college campuses who support Iran's proxy, Hamas, are in mourning today, too. 

According to Iran's Islamic constitution, the First Vice President will take over in the interim. That is Mohammad Mokhber. The new boss will be the same as the old boss.

Here is a quick update after I finished this post. The State Department offers its condolences to Iran. I can't with these people. Iran's proxy, Hamas, is holding 8 Americans hostage in Gaza. 


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