Who knew Charlamagne Tha God is a Nikki Haley fan?

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Charlamagne Tha God is pleased with what he has been hearing from Nikki Haley. Who knew the co-host of “The Breakfast Club” radio show supports term limits and age competency tests?


Haley called the Senate “the most privileged nursing home in the country” after Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell suffered another one of his freeze attacks last week. Haley referenced the tough truth that political leadership in the United States is quickly aging out, in many cases. Besides McConnell, there have been attacks on Senator Dianne Feinstein for her obvious decline, both physically and mentally. McConnell is 81-years-old and Feinstein is 90. There is also Senator John Fetterman (D-PA), who at the tender age of 54 raises questions about his mental competency and physical stamina due to the effects of a severe stroke he suffered. He doesn’t speak well and his brain has not been able to keep up, from what I’ve observed. I’m not a doctor but anyone can tell when someone suffers from neurological damage. It isn’t just the 80-year-olds that should be scrutinized.

“It’s sad,” she told Fox News Thursday. “No one should feel good about seeing that any more than we should feel good about seeing Dianne Feinstein, any more than we should feel good about a lot of what’s happening or seeing Joe Biden’s decline.”

“What I will say is, right now, the Senate is the most privileged nursing home in the country,” she said. “I mean, Mitch McConnell has done some great things and he deserves credit. But you have to know when to leave.”

The fact that Haley is saying the quiet part out loud, especially holding politicians responsible to show that they are mentally capable of performing the job after a certain age, captured Charlamagne Tha God’s attention. Haley includes Joe Biden, our 80-year-old demented president in the group who should be tested for competency. Biden has clearly deteriorated in office, both mentally and physically. An 80-year-old person is not supposed to be the leader of the free world.


This will anger some loyal Trump supporters but here’s the truth as I see it – Trump is beginning to show signs of failing mentally and physically, too. He’s 77-years-old. It’s normal. We are used to seeing him as an Energizer Bunny on the campaign trail. He was that way in office, too, He showed up everywhere, posted on social media at all hours of the day and night, was rumored to not sleep much, and he kept a busy schedule. By contrast, Joe Biden doesn’t start his work day before 9:00 a.m. and often calls a lid with the press corps by mid-afternoon, meaning there is nothing else planned that day. He falls asleep during events. He has been on vacation about 40% of his presidency. The world watches as Biden has to be led around. He often can’t find his way off a stage. Yesterday, during a Medal of Honor ceremony, Biden was slow to return the honoree’s salute and then Biden randomly left the stage and the room before the event concluded in prayer. Trump does none of those things, to be clear, but he is looking tired in appearances now and he has not been doing campaign events. His speeches have been canned versions of past speeches, are filled with his anger over being prosecuted/persecuted (understandable but not inspiring), and it just seems he isn’t really into it.

Nikki Haley is right when she says we need to know that politicians are at the top of their game. Times are serious and mental competency is essential. These people are making decisions about our economy, national security, about the southern border, and everything in-between. Maybe instead of supporting term limits, people should think about age limits. Still, that has its problems, as the case of Fetterman illustrates.


“Nikki is absolutely right. She ain’t say one damn thing wrong,” Charlamagne reacted on Tuesday’s show.

He added, “I’ll stop her when she stops telling the truth. We need term limits. And, you know, if you are going to stay in, you definitely need mental competency tests over the age of whatever.”

Co-host DJ Envy agreed, knocking criticisms that having that stance is “attacking old people,” saying, “It’s not.”

“And you got Senator Feinstein, 90 years old, she’s faced multiple health setbacks, didn’t know what she was voting on, you know, Nancy Pelosi is 83, Donald Trump is 77, Biden is 80. It’s like, yeah, we need term limits,” Charlamagne exclaimed.

“Like maybe there should be an age maximum,” guest co-host Lil D suggested. “You know how you have to be 35 to become president? Maybe we need a certain age, like, you are done with politics. Go relax! Go fishing!”

Charlamagne pointed out that Nikki Haley wouldn’t be speaking up in favor of cognitive tests if there wasn’t an apparent need for it. It’s a bipartisan need, too. Both sides of the aisle are included in this predicament.

We see Biden and note his decline almost on a daily basis. Every day brings something to talk about – he is dazed and confused. He is unable to get through a speech, even on teleprompter, without some kind of notable stumble. He can’t remember names, and he can’t get around a stage alone. It’s important that Republicans offer an alternative who is clearly able to perform in 2024. Let’s send Joe to his beach house permanently and let him enjoy his retirement years with his family.


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