NYC mayor plans to bus migrants to suburbs as they declare states of emergency

AP Photo/Mary Altaffer

NYC Mayor Eric Adams is the ultimate Democrat hypocrite. He talks a good game on running New York City as a sanctuary city but when he is called upon to welcome those he previously said he would happily welcome, he changes his tune. Suddenly he is full of whiny outrage that he is expected to care for those he said he would welcome with open arms.


He has been complaining that the federal government is not stepping up and paying the city’s expenses that the migrants cost them for shelter and food and medical care. He has been putting them up in nice hotels, which the migrants then trash. Adams set up tent cities for them and they refused to stay there. No one wants to cooperate with Hizzoner – not the Biden administration nor the migrants.

Adams is a surrogate for the Biden campaign. Why doesn’t he just ask his pal Joe to secure the border? Providing some guidance to the man he is helping to get re-elected seems like something a campaign surrogate would do. Instead, Adams has a plan to put the migrants on buses and send them to the suburbs. You can imagine how well this is going over in the ‘burbs.

Two suburban counties are declaring states of emergency. They are trying to stop the hundreds of illegal aliens expected to arrive via bus from New York City.

Orange County Executive Steven Neuhaus joined neighboring Rockland County Executive Ed Day in declaring a state of emergency.

“We are now declaring a state of emergency because we just don’t know what the vetting process is. Who are they?” said Neuhaus.

Neuhaus and Day, both Republicans, are against Democrat Mayor Eric Adams’ plan to bus in around 300 single men to live in hotels in the suburbs.

Day accused Adams of doing exactly what he complained about when the governors of Texas and Florida sent migrants to New York without consulting the city.


Exactly. The open southern border was all fun and games as long as the red states along the border were shouldered with it. Now that Governor Abbott is sharing the burden with those who asked for it, suddenly this is a terrible situation. The county executives say they are not equipped for the illegal aliens and don’t have the infrastructure to handle them. Since they object to being used as a dumping ground by the NYC mayor, his spokesman is criticizing their “racist rhetoric and reprehensible threats”, because that is what progressives always do. The suburban county executives are Republicans who are not going to take this sitting down. They are putting up a fight.

The emergency declarations prevent Adams from sending illegal aliens to their counties and require hotels and motels to have a license to house them.

“The Town of Orangetown and Rockland County are small localities that are not equipped to handle this sudden increase in the need for services as County Executive Day and the Commissioner of Social Services have pointed rightly out,” Orangetown Supervisor Teresa Kenny wrote in a Facebook post Friday following news of the mayor’s plan. “I agree that this calls for a Federal, not a local solution. The people that NYC is sending to Orangetown have been failed first by the Federal government, which has not adequately addressed immigration issues, and now by the City of New York, which had let people know that they would take them in as a sanctuary city. To send these people to a location that is not equipped to meet their needs, is a betrayal of that often-expressed desire by NYC to be a sanctuary for them.”


There is a federal solution to illegal immigration because immigration policy is a federal responsibility. The United States has immigration laws on the books and policies were in place when Biden took office. He chose to ignore policies and agreements in place in order to do things differently than the previous administration. The border is never completely secure but it was the most secure it had been in recent years during the last administration. Biden thought a secure border was cruel, though, and did away with how the border was managed. We see the results. It is a humanitarian and national security disaster.

Mayor Adams has gone rogue. He does not have the authority to demand that other counties take migrants just because he wants to relieve overcrowding in New York City. The counties are right to object and do what they can to stop him. Congress should indeed act to reform the immigration laws on the books that need reform but the real solution is to enforce the laws already on the books and do what works. Biden had a blueprint of how to keep the border secure when he took office. All he had to do was continue with what was already in place. He chose to deny that success for purely partisan political reasons.


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