The rush for the exits continues... two more White House staffers quit

AP Photo/Patrick Semansky

Two more White House staffers are leaving and a third is taking a leave of absence. Not all of those who have announced their departures so far have been instantly recognizable. We know White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki has one foot out the door. The vice president has a huge turnover rate in her office. Now we are seeing more people in Joe Biden’s White House moving on.


Biden speechwriter Jeffrey Nussbaum announced Tuesday that it was his last day. He didn’t exactly look broken up about it.

Nussbaum has a book coming out and a book tour to keep him busy. Of course he does. Biden’s people don’t even wait for the Big Guy to leave office before cashing in on their government jobs. Biden’s sister is currently on her own book tour. Nussbaum was in his position since February 2021.

The other White House staffer to announce their departure is Elizabeth Wilkins. She was a senior adviser to the White House chief of staff. She is going to be the director of the FTC’s Office of Policy Planning. Reema Shah, deputy associate counsel for the White House, has stepped into Wilkins’ advisory role.

In February 2021, Politico published a glowing piece on Wilkins. There is family history in working at the White House.

Tuesday was a busy day for staff announcements. A third staffer, Daleep Singh, is taking a leave of absence for family reasons. Last month Singh made headlines with a claim that drilling for more oil will not affect the price of oil (I know), and police were called to investigate an unlawful entry onto his property. He is a deputy national security adviser and a deputy at the National Economic Council. He has overseen the Biden administration’s sanctions against Russia since Putin’s invasion of Ukraine.


It seems like an inconvenient time for Singh’s leave of absence. He likely has no control over it, as it is described as a leave for family reasons, but Biden needs all the help he can get. He is expected to begin his leave of absence next month and the length of it wasn’t reported.

The White House is still determining how to fill Singh’s role when he leaves, and among the officials under consideration for the job is Mike Pyle, chief economic adviser to Vice President Harris. The White House declined to comment.

Before joining the White House, Singh worked as the head of the markets team at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York and at the Treasury Department during the Obama administration.

Singh has been the face of the sanctions against Russia. The alleged home invasion happened just days after he joined Jen Psaki during a White House briefing to explain sanctions against Russia on February 22 and 24. Coincidence? Maybe. I don’t believe in coincidences, though, especially in politics. A White House official said Singh’s leave doesn’t have anything to do with that incident. He wasn’t home at the time of the unlawful entry into his home, by the way. Was it a random act?

Biden’s administration is in turmoil. His polling numbers are at all-time lows. A majority of Americans think the country is going in the wrong direction. A malaise has set in that has not been felt since the Jimmy Carter administration. Joe Biden campaigned on being the guy with all the experience in Washington. He said he’d surround himself with the best and those who know how to make government work. What a load of malarkey. He concentrated on checking off boxes in his cabinet appointments and other appointees instead of well-qualified people. They are all in over their heads. Biden is a reactive president, not a proactive one. It must be extremely frustrating to work in such an incompetent administration led by a 79-year-old man with failing mental and physical health. It’s no wonder they’ve begun to look for greener pastures. The exodus will continue as midterm elections approach.


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