Biden on CNN: "I should go to the border"

AP Photo/Evan Vucci

Joe Biden participated in a televised town hall-style event with CNN’s Anderson Cooper Thursday night in Baltimore. I’ll disclose up front that I didn’t watch it. This morning I’m seeing reports of some real gems of answers. Biden answered questions from a hand-picked audience, with the questions coming from participants identified as Democrats and Independents.


One question that came up was the Biden border crisis, which is surprising, given that CNN and other cable networks that serve as arms of the DNC don’t cover the southern border much at all. The historically high number of illegal migrants crossing the border with impunity is due to Biden’s open border policies and desire to end law enforcement measures to secure the border. Say, why hasn’t Joe been to the southern border? Well, he’s been busy, you see.

President Biden tonight said he will consider visiting the southern border, suggesting he has not visited so far because he has been busy visiting the sites of disasters around the country.

“I know it well,” said Biden, when asked if he had plans to visit the area. “I guess I should go down, but the whole point of it is I have not had a whole lot of time to get down.”
Biden noted that he has travelled the country and the globe since taking office in January, adding he has “not had a whole lot of time to get down” to the border.

“I have been spending time going around looking at the $900 billion worth of damage done by hurricanes and floods and weather and traveling around the world,” he said.

Earlier in the exchange Biden also defended his decision to keep in place Title 42, a policy of former President Donald Trump’s which allows immigration officials swiftly return people who cross over the border in order to limit the spread of Covid-19.

“We have maintained that because of the … continued extent of Covid in those countries from which people are coming,” he said. “It is very, high. So, we maintained the policy.”

“We are not sending back children, we send back adults, and we send back large families but we don’t send back children in that circumstance,” he added.


Biden lied when he said, “I’ve been there before … I mean, I know it well.” No, he hasn’t, and no, he doesn’t. There has been no proof found that he’s ever been on the southern border, much less seen what is going on now or in the past. As far as Title 42 goes, he kept it in place for the most part because that is what the CDC recommends. The Trump administration put it in place, though at the time there were howls from open borders Democrats because it allows immediate expulsion of migrants at the border for public health reasons. Trump used the rarely used move as a way to stop the spread of the coronavirus coming into the United States.

It was interesting to read that Biden referenced “kids lying on top of one another” during his remarks. It was the Obama/Biden administration that put ‘cages’ in place to hold illegal migrants, including children – Obama built those cages. The situation exploded during the Biden administration and that is when we began seeing pictures of children crammed together like sardines, using silver foil emergency blankets for comfort.

He argued that “you’re not seeing a lot of pictures of kids lying on top of one another with … what looks like tarps on top of them,” but added that “there’s much more to be done.”

Joe’s had plenty of time to go to either of his homes in Delaware on weekends, which he usually does unless he’s going to Camp David with the grandkids. He’s had time to campaign for Democrats and visit factories to appease union bosses. He was often not seen for days before he emerged to lobby Congress to pass his infrastructure bills when their progress slowed to a turtle’s pace. He was hands-off in twisting arms until recently. The career politician who likes to boast that he can get bipartisan deals done can’t even get all his Democrats together at this point because his agenda is too radical.


Biden brought Jill into the mix, as though a visit by her was sufficient.

“I’ve been spending time going around looking at $900 billion worth of damage done by hurricanes and floods and weather and traveling around the world. But I plan on — now my wife Jill has been down. She’s been on both sides of the river, she’s seen the circumstances there, she’s looked into those places.”

Jill Biden went to the Texas-Mexico border during the presidential campaign. She went with other Democrats to cross over into Mexico and bring food and toys to migrants waiting to apply for asylum in the United States. As First Lady, she has ignored the border the same as everyone else in the Biden administration. She has been to Texas to fundraise and encourage people to get vaccinated against COVID-19 but she hasn’t been back to the border to see the crisis her husband’s incompetence has caused.

Biden didn’t bother to mention Kamala’s photo-op visit to El Paso. Even he must realize what a joke that trip was. Illegal immigration has hit an all-time high in fiscal 2021. The numbers being reported this year are the highest since records have been kept. This is all intentional and there is no escaping the humanitarian and public health crisis that has resulted from Biden’s goal of open borders and blanket amnesty to those migrants who remain in the United States. Too bad the venues Biden chooses aren’t honest enough in their coverage of his administration to question him for more details when he tells lies about where he’s been and what he knows about.


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