Trump aide: "He's going to kill himself" with daily campaign events

President Trump is feeling better and ready to hit the road. He is so committed to actively campaigning for his re-election that he has notified his staff that he wants to be on the road every single day from now up until Election Day. That’s a pretty big ask for any candidate, certainly a 74-year-old man recovering from the coronavirus.


I suppose the president’s desire to remain on the road for a little over 20 days is just a form of the let-Trump-be-Trump motto adhered to in 2016. Back then he was a few years younger and he wasn’t recovering from the plague. The first thing that went through my mind was to question if he is up to that kind of physical stress. He looks normal now, he sounds ok, and he travels in a protected manner so maybe he thinks it is worth a try to get back to his normal campaigning style. Remember in the final days of the 2016 election when he did 4 or 5 events every day? No one expects that this year but one event a day is doable.

Trump’s doctor released a memo on Saturday stating that the president is no longer considered a risk to transmit the coronavirus.

“This evening I am happy to report that in addition to the President meeting the CDC criteria for the safe discontinuation of isolation, this morning’s COVID PCR sample demonstrates, by currently recognized standards, he is no longer considered a transmission risk to others,” physician Sean Conley wrote in a memo released by the White House.

Conley wrote that Trump has been “fever-free for well over 24 hours and all symptoms improved” which raises additional questions about when Trump last had a fever. Previous memos from the doctor earlier in the week had indicated Trump was fever-free for several consecutive days.

The physician wrote that diagnostic tests showed “there is no longer evidence of actively replicating virus.”

“Moving forward, I will continue to monitor him clinically as he returns to an active schedule,” Conley continued.


So, he’s gotten a doctor’s note, so to speak, and he’s ready to go. Behind the scenes, some aides are expressing their concern for his health, anonymously of course because that is how it is done in the Trump era. One aide went for a dramatic quote, as reported by Axios.

His team is in the process of scheduling events to make that happen, two sources familiar with the discussions tell Axios. But not everyone thinks this is a good idea. One adviser said, “He’s going to kill himself.”

The decline in support for Trump by senior citizens, if the polls are to be believed (a big if) is a concern so he is headed to Florida Monday for what I assume will be the beginning day of his extended road trip. He will do an airport rally in Sanford, Florida. Again, another anonymous person – a Trump adviser, allegedly – notes the campaign’s awareness of declining support from a very important GOP voting demographic.

“He really f—-d up with seniors when he said not to worry about the virus and not to let it control your life,” one Trump adviser told Axios. “There are so many grandparents who’ve gone almost a year without being able to see grandchildren.”

Airport rallies are perfect for Trump. The campaign plans them to be held in a large hangar where fresh air can circulate. He has the benefit of a live audience while using social distancing and other safety precautions for the supporters who attend. Trump thrives on a large, enthusiastic audience. He entertains while delivering his message and they love him. Joe Biden is unable to attract large crowds and he certainly cannot compete with the enthusiasm of Trump voters.


Trump is scheduled to go to Pennsylvania on Tuesday and Iowa on Wednesday. The Mayor of Des Moines, Frank Cownie, a Democrat, is afraid that the Trump rally this week will be a super spreader event. I saw no such concern expressed by the mayor when hundreds of protesters gathered to march and riot during the Summer of Love. Protests are celebrated. Trump’s campaign rallies are super spreader events. Got it. It’s science, you know. Democrats love to fall back on science when they think it fits their narrative.

Asked by the Des Moines Register whether he is concerned that the event could accelerate the spread of COVID-19 in Des Moines, Mayor Frank Cownie (D) said he “absolutely” was.

“Absolutely I’m worried about the spread. We don’t want a super-spread event here in Des Moines,” Cownie told the newspaper. “We urge everyone who would attend this event to wear a mask and social distance as best they can, and to stay safe and healthy.”

“We all have to do everything we can do to keep our numbers down,” he continued. “It’s proven, it’s scientific facts.”

The Trump campaign is prepared to observe safety guidelines before and during the event.

The Trump campaign stressed in a statement to The Hill that attendees would be given temperature checks before being allowed in to the event.

“The event is at an open door airplane hangar where people will be expressing their First Amendment rights and hearing from the President of the United States. We will have safety protocols in place. All attendees will be given a temperature check, masks which they are instructed to wear, and access to hand sanitizer,” Tim Murtaugh told The Hill.


The hangar events are a good compromise for Trump. He gets his live rallies and feeds off the support of the attendees. The attendees get to see Trump and have the rally experience. he did these kinds of rallies at the end of the 2016 campaign, too. He’s comfortable doing them. Let’s hope he stays healthy and takes care of his own health.

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