Rep. Swalwell Threatens to Sue DA Pamela Price for Ruining His Reputation

AP Photo/Andrew Harnik

I'm sure for most of our readers the idea that Rep. Swalwell has a reputation that can be ruined will come as a surprise. But in this case, the current fight does not involve his widely reported relationship with a Chinese spy. Instead, this is a blue-on-blue battle over Swalwell's old job as a prosecutor.


Progressive DA Pamela Price is currently facing a recall and she is clearly not happy about it. Rep. Swalwell endorsed has critcized Price as soft on crime and the two sides have been sparring back and forth for months. Here's an instance from May in which Swalwell called Price soft on crime and Price's camp responded by insinuating Swalwell was racist.

They are none too fond, as the saying goes. But even before that, Price announced in April that all of Alameda County's death sentence cases would be put on hold.

Alameda County District Attorney Pamela Price put all 35 of her county’s death sentences on hold Monday and said there was evidence that prosecutors in a 30-year-old case had removed all Jewish and Black people from the jury.

“When you intentionally exclude any juror based on their race, their religion, their gender or any protected category, it violates the Constitution,” Price said at a news conference. “The evidence that we collected suggests plainly that many people did not receive a fair trial in Alameda County.”


Notice that she put all 35 cases on hold based on the details of one case 30 years ago. She made no effort to show problems in the other cases, she just lumped them together without evidence.

The insinuation that the prosecutor's office was corrupt apparently irked Swalwell because 20 years ago, he was a prosecutor in that office and worked there for 8 years. He denied any unethical behavior during his time in the office and lashed out at Price.

This month, things escalated again when Swalwell endorsed the recall of Price. She responded with a message on her Facebook page that read:

Today, Congressman Eric Swalwell declared his allegiance to the Alameda County Republican Party by joining the undemocratic efforts to overturn the November election...

Congressman Swalwell's actions have raised questions about whom he truly represents and what impact his support may have on Democratic values in our community. His support for an effort that undermines a fellow Democrat and rejects the position of local Democrats has left many of his constituents feeling betrayed. Some are questioning whether Swalwell is out of touch with the very people he claims to represent. His decision raises significant questions about his motives and allegiance to the Democratic Party...

Prosecutorial Misconduct: What Does Congressman Swalwell Have to Hide?

Congressman Swalwell worked in the Alameda County District Attorney's office as a prosecutor. Under previous District Attorneys, there were instances where Jewish, Black, and gay jurors were systematically excluded from serving on death penalty juries—clear violations of justice and fairness. With current DA Pamela Price uncovering these abuses, many are left wondering: could Swalwell's support for the recall be an attempt to shield himself or his former colleagues from being implicated in these unethical practices? 

If the truth about past misconduct is brought to light, it may reveal uncomfortable connections. What is the Congressman trying to keep hidden, and why is he so eager to see DA Price removed before more is uncovered? The community deserves transparency.

He sent a letter demanding she retract those comments and she did not respond at all. So this week, Swalwell upped the ante by sending a letter threatening to sue unless Price retracted her comments

Attorneys for Rep. Eric Swalwell, a Democrat from Dublin, sent a scalding letter to Price earlier this week, citing what they called falsehoods and ad hominem attacks she circulated in a Facebook post on Oct. 2 — the same day that Swalwell endorsed recalling her...

“Your non-response was deafening,” the attorneys wrote, noting that she has so far failed to produce evidence to back up her allegations, which they view as retaliation for his support of the Nov. 5 recall.

As of today, Price doesn't seem to be backing down. She posted a statement last night saying "Our constituents would be better served if Congressman Swalwell focused less on trying to overturn the will of the voters and more on defending our democracy." Here's a recent news report on the ongoing battle.

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