Five state school board associations have withdrawn from the NSBA over that letter comparing parents to terrorists

While CNN is busy bashing GOP Senators and parents over that National School Boards Association (NSBA) letter that suggested complaining parents “could be the equivalent to a form of domestic terrorism and hate crimes” state affiliates of the group are withdrawing from the group. In fact five states have completely pulled out so far with New Hampshire being the latest.


New Hampshire follows Louisiana, Missouri, Ohio and Pennsylvania who have already dropped out of the NSBA. Here’s the letter Ohio’s SBA sent to the national group ending its membership. The letter specifically states that the OSBA was not consulted in advance about the contents of the letter NSBA sent out. It also states, “If we had been consulted, we would have strongly disagreed with NSBA’s decision to request federal intervention as well as your claims of domestic terrorism and hate crimes.”

The Missouri SBA press release stated:

We also believe that no school board member or educator should ever have to endure threats of violence or acts of intimidation against themselves or their families for making these difficult decisions. However, attempting to address that issue with federal intervention should not be the first step in most cases, and is antithetical to our long-standing tradition of local control. Further, the use of inflammatory terms in the NSBA letter is not a model for promoting greater civility and respect for the democratic process.


Florida’s SBS has not withdrawn from the national organization but did say it will withhold dues payments and also confirmed it was not consulted about the letter sent out by the national group.

The Florida School Boards Association is refusing to pay membership dues to the National School Boards Association after the Washington, D.C.-based organization wrote in a letter to President Joe Biden’s administration that the country’s “public schools and its education leaders are under an immediate threat.”

Finally, another group of 22 state SBA’s have stopped short of withdrawing from the national group but did criticize the letter and many indicated they were not consulted before it was sent and do not approve of the contents. You can read a long list of the responses here.

While CNN and many on the left are painting a picture of unhinged parents posing a threat to school boards across the country, the actual school board associations in more than half the states think the NSBA letter was out of line. Most SBAs don’t approve of inviting federal involvement in local issues and many don’t like the clearly partisan language used in the letter.


The NSBA has gotten the message and apologized but the slow-witted media outlets don’t seem to have adjusted their talking points in light of reality. They’d rather keep portraying conservative parents as a threat, exactly as the wrong-headed NSBA letter claimed they were.

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