The vaccine naysayers got it wrong (Update)

Today I’m reminded of the host of media experts who flogged the seriousness and reliability of the Steele dossier for months and years only to evaporate when we later learned that document wasn’t reliable. To his great credit, the Washington Post’s Erik Wemple devoted 10 articles to tracking down some of the dossier’s promoters and asking them how they felt about it in retrospect. As I pointed out at the time, a lot of the journalists he spoke with had no comment. People like MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow, who made the dossier a key part of her program for years simply moved on to greener pastures. There was zero price to pay for being so wrong for so long about something so important.


I’m reminded of that today because of this Twitter thread by Glenn Greenwald highlighted by Twitchy. Greenwald points out that some of the same outlets flogging the the dossier were also confident that a vaccine by the end of the year was a pipe dream. Stop and enjoy the smug condescension in this first clip from MSNBC:

Dr. Redlener has since admitted he was wrong, but Greenwald argues he never made any real effort to get it right. MSNBC’s anti-Trump mandate took precedence. His job was to give people the news of impending failure they wanted and that’s what he did.


Greenwald focuses on a couple of individuals but as this clip put together by MRC TV demonstrates, the naysaying by the media was pretty widespread at the time (though it seemed especially prevalent at MSNBC):

So here we are in mid-December and yesterday we had the first vaccine dose being given to a nurse in New York.

The media oversold the idea that this was impossible because it suited their pre-determined narrative. Now that we know they were wrong is there any accountability for that? I don’t mean people being fired. How about a public admission that they downplayed this and they were wrong. Maybe a few individuals like Dr. Redlener have made those admissions but that still leaves a lot of people who haven’t.

Update: Found a few more of these confident naysayers on Twitter:


And this from the Washington Post:

President Trump’s optimistic assessment that a coronavirus vaccine will be ready by the end of the year just got doused in cold water by a former top vaccine official.


Rick Bright, who directed the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority until his removal last month, urged against rushing the process to develop a vaccine during his testimony before House Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Health.

I’m sure there’s a lot more of this to be found but suffice it to say it was pretty easy to find skeptics in the media thanks to resistance journalism impulses.

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