Campus Reform’s Cabot Phillips went to the campus of American University and asked students to react to several quotes “from President Trump” talking about the need for border control. Here are the quotes:
- “Illegal Immigration is wrong, plain and simple. Until the American people are convinced we will stop future flows of illegal immigration, we will make no progress.”
- “We simply cannot allow people to pour into the United States undetected, undocumented and unchecked.”
- “I voted numerous times… to spend money to build a barrier to try to prevent illegal immigrants from coming in. And I do think you have to control your borders.”
As you would imagine, today’s college students were put off by all of this reactionary talk. One student called it “divisive.” Another called it “kind of hateful speech in general.” A third student called it a “rude” way to talk about illegal immigrants. A fourth student said, “there are racial biases kind of deep-embedded in there.” Other terms used to describe the quotes: Jingoist, unacceptable, dehumanizing.
And then Phillips reveals that the three quotes didn’t come from President Trump but from Democrats. Specifically quote #1 is Chuck Schumer, #2 is Barack Obama, and #3 is Hillary Clinton. Now what do the woke students have to say about it? As you’ll see, the answer is not much.
Of course, these quotes from Democrats are a decade old. Most of these college students are 19-21 years old. That means when Hillary made her comment (#3) in 2008, they were likely in middle school. And when Barack Obama made his comment (#2) in 2005 they were probably in elementary school. It’s fair to ask whether or not any Democrats would say the same sorts of things now. So maybe the issue here isn’t just a generic bias against Republicans but the speed at which the Democrats have moved left on a great many issues.
Here’s an interview with Cabot Phillips about this clip. He makes the key point, which is that most of these students are basing their judgments on personalities not policies. All they need to know to decide whether a policy is good or demi-racist is who supports it. There’s not a lot of independent thought happening.
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